Saturday, February 12, 2011

Growing grapevines in Malaysia.

Through gardening connections, we ended up at a house somewhere in Tanah Merah with lots of  grapevines. Mr M was a pleasant guy indeed. We talked, discussed, and brought home 2 seedlings at a price of RM 7.50 each. We will go back for more since we had promised Rosiah, my younger sister and Mother in Law 5 seedlings each. Both of them must be busy right now, planning where to grow and getting woods for trellis. Within a month, they should be having the first grapevines in their whole life. I told them, not until I had gathered enough info about grapevines.

Another friend, Mi staying nearby, has 2 plants, one died and another still growing. A friend  WanZ mentioned about a retired teacher in Machang having an orchard of grapes. At least where I live, growing grapes is not really rare.

I hope the two plants will be kind to both of us..., grow healthy, and bear fruits within a year... I have created a separate blog just to handle grapevine updates, written in our own language. Non Malay speaking readers  can still follow using Google translator.

anggur / grapes:
an empty pot ready to be filled up with sand
anggur/grape:  another pot with two  little plants close by 

anggur / grape: the leaves look healthy. Mr M mentioned that the fruits would be reddish black. It is going to be a very long wait.

I saw Puteri Chandan with grapevines.., anybody else grow grapevines?

bangchik and kakdah
Tanah Merah, Kelantan.


  1. My Great Aunt had a Muscadine grape arbor over her water pump. It produced lovely grapes that we'd pick and eat while pumping water for the house. (These were seeded grapes so one had to be constantly getting rid of seeds in the mouth...*smile*) My father planted purple grapes in the east yard...he had good success till an oak tree grew big enough that there was too much shade, he pruned and fertilized at all the correct times of the year.

  2. Bangchik, I know for sure you will be very successful in your grape growing venture looking at your other plants, soon it will surpass mine. Actually grapes love the sun and not too much water, since over-water will rot the root. Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis have successful grapevines compared to other states because they use the Thai growing system and seeds. Looking forward to more postings about your grapes!

  3. Oh wow, I will have to follow your progress. I have never grown grapes...somehow they seem too intimidating, but I have always wanted to. Good luck!

  4. So as part of a new project called Design Squad Nation (, we travelled to London to team up with a group called Global Generation to build a mobile garden for transporting the fresh/sustainable produce to local restaurants.

    Here is a list of links to our videos that I would love for you to check out.

    Sneak Peek

    Judy’s Composter

    Rooftop Garden

    Learning how to weld

    Animation: how to make a wormery

    Garden to go episode

    Thanks for your time, and keep up the good work!

  5. Here in Oregon, we grow an Italian wine varietal. I eat them though because I cannot drink or make wine. Wine grapes taste really good.

    My husband lives in California for part of the year where he grows wine grapes and makes wine. He knows A LOT about all kinds of grapes and he loves to read about them. I will have to let him know about the other site you have now!

    He taught me that there are several kinds of grape farms: raisin growers, wine growers, grape growers, and one other kind that grows solely for tannin, mega purple and mega red colors and tartaric acid. They don't have a name for these folks, but it is being discussed in the agricultural industry in CA currently.

  6. Nice to know you have added a new addition to your NOT-so-little garden anymore.I was given a pot of grape but it isn't looking that good. My passion fruit vine on the other hand is doing so well, it's overtaking all the surrounding plants and trees.

  7. I have 'Kyoho', a popular Japanese variety, in my potager... will be interesting to keep track of your grapes in Msia...

  8. Sri Damansara mosque I knew had graves grown in the yard, but I was there many years ago. It was a beautiful mosque.

    Teringin nak ke Tanah Merah (sekali lagi).

  9. We have two types of grapes growing on our back porch. They provide great shade. The purple ones taste great. They both provide plenty of food for the birds and when they drop, for the chickens.

  10. My sister has two of the green grapes variety growing in her garden. The first one has given a small bunch of fruits and now is growing another bunch. The second plant is not matured yet. Her grapes are sweet! I would love to grow these but am wondering would they be suitable for container?

  11. Interesting plant to grow! I have seen this plant grown in houses but not anyone I know. Some loves to grow it to climb a pergola or canopy infront of the house. It is interesting to see bunches of grapes drapping down from above ;-)

  12. Growing grapes is fun! I planted grapevines in two locations: in a sunny place - for fruit and in a semi-shade - just for decoration. And you know what happened? I have grapes on my ornamental vines and no grapes on those which are supposed to give me fruit! Ha-ha!

  13. My Father in law trying his luck on planting 1 tree.. it did grows... but never produce any fruits.. anyway he still keeping it.. coz it looks nice crawling on the fence.

  14. Thanks everyone, I do appreciate your visits and comments.

    Bringing temperate plants to hot tropical climate, may not be easy as it seems even though some had come out with excellent grapevines and delicious fruits. Perlis had acres of grapevines. Sendayan Valley put science and technology into growing grapes and use Thailand practice as benchmark.

    I have physically seen grapvines in Malaysia grown as ornamental in home gardens. Everyone seems to be complaining about grapes being fairly sour for table serving. Some had suggested putting some stress to plants prior to flowering by reducing water and fertiliser to encourage flowering and make fruits sweeter.

    Then I remember about an elderly using some straightforward commonsense to treat his langsat plants. He put a kilo of sugar around the stem and surprisingly his langsat come out sweet.

    For the moment, potted grape plants are well exposed to sunlight, but sheltered from rain. Placed at the edge of verandah, the plan is to let them climb the column, the left and right, 12 feet high. We can put them somewhere else around the garden, if the present condition is not favourable.

    Your encouraging comments boost up our enthusiasm with grapevines. I am sure we will learn along the way and share...

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Taman Kota Harmoni
    Tanah Merah.

  15. Bangchik, I hv just bought myself a grapevine plant last 2 weeks, just to try my hands on it & see if it'll grow well in my backyard. Good to know I can hv the same journey as you.

    You may want to join the community who hv done it thru their own experience here;

  16. My ex-Indonesian maid had 2 grapevines at the back of her house in Kediri, East Java. When she came back from a holiday, she brought some red grapes for us to try. Surprisingly they were sweet. I heard that most of the grapes planted in M'sia were not so sweet. Maybe we do not get the right variety??

  17. Grape vines? Wow!
    I can imagine grapes hanging at your home! I'm looking forward for your another blog!

  18. RoughRosa
    Thanks. At least growing grapevines is much quicker than rubber trees, and oilpalms for the first harvest. But still a year is quite too long.. Thanks for the link...

    i amsterdam.
    I heard many factors affecting quality of grapes.. variety, soil, quantity of water, fertiliser and exposure to sunlight. But the bigger farm like in Perlis and Sendayan had shown the way to sweet grapes... thanks.

    Quite a number of long wait in my garden.... papaya, banana and now grapes. I hope they will do fine.

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah, Kelantan.

  19. Bangchik,

    Saya baru nak mula tanam anggur. Harap-harap pokok kita sama-sama sihat dan berbuah.

  20. Interestingly, I stumbled upon. May be you can have a visit to my garden at the backyard too.

  21. hello Bangchik, I have a grapevine that grew some tiny grapes. After the grapes were ripe, the leaves died, so I pruned the plant very aggressively until botak. It's been two weeks but the vine didn't grow new leaves. Do you think my grapevine mati? I am very worried. thanks for your advice.

  22. ShiawaseKekkon, I read from here that a lady did the same thing to kill the vines; however, it did the opposite. Please read this link, I hope it will help you.
    Also, can I use seeds from the grapes I get from the supermarket?

  23. hi i need to buy 100 grape vine trees.
    can anyone help to provide a contact?

  24. I have 13 grape vines, some black, some green. They are 8 years old but to date there are no grapes only flower for 2 to 3 weeks and drop off. Please can someone give me advice as to how to bring the flowers to mature into sweet grapes Thank you.

  25. As salam masih ada tanam lagi ke muscadine grape? Ada jual anak pokok tak? Saya harap dapat menanam anggur ni. Saya ada sakit kronik anggur macam ni bagus untuk kurangkan radangan. Kalau ada jual bagus sangat lah. Dengar boleh hidup kat tempat panas.
