Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sowing Kale / Kailan: I never do this before.

We don't have acres of vegetable farm. So, for small vegetable garden around the house, we sow just about enough seeds, ranging between 10 to 20. Trouble with seeds is that they deteriorate over time..... Once a seed packet is opened,  quality of seeds is on the downhill. We should be very frustrated to sow seeds from the same packet  6 months later for new batch of plants, if none sprout. I have come across the frustrating situation a number of times.

We recently decided to give Kale / Kailan a chance. We spread out the whole content onto seeding pots...., with the intention of choosing the healthiest and not willing to keep extra seeds in an opened packet.

Here we are... more than a hundred!

kale germinating in little brown pots

kale germinating in a black tray
 little kale seedling

 little kale seedlings

We may include a little variation with growing kale..... a row in raised vegetable bed, in black polybags using different combination of growing media.  Cocopeat and rice husk. Last night, Mr Noor brought a big sack of rice husk he took from a paddy factory in Pasir Putih, for free..... Noor is also a keen gardener in Tanah Merah.

bangchik and kakdah
Taman Kota Harmoni, Tanah Merah 


  1. Oh wow, that is a lot of kale! Very interesting process.

  2. I plan on planting a couple varieties in containers with annuals this year...I hope mine do as well as yours !!!!

  3. Very exciting to see these seedlings!

  4. So happy you're growing kale...seedlings looking quite green and healthy...I haven't had kale in years...it's so good for you, I must buy some when I go to grocery again. I need all those vitamins and minerals! It grows fast so you should be having kale fairly soon.

  5. I love kale and we'll have some in the garden this year again.

  6. Very successful germination!! The little cotelydons are so cute.

  7. salam bangchik dan kak dah.My mil selalu simpan biji benih didalam peti sejuk jadi ianya dapat bertahan lama.Cuba try:)

  8. So many seedling of Kale! I bet you can open little "gerai sayur" in front of your house with all the baby seedling you're having!

  9. Wah so many babies! That would panic me if i see so many of them came out over night. Guess you gonna be busy transplanting them in another few days time, have fun!!

  10. I did almost the same thing with the cabbage seeds. I have so many now. Fyi, Bangchik, if you wish to keep the seeds, put them in the freezer. They should last.

  11. Wow… am all impressed with my award-winning blogger, Bangchik. Some of yr children in HOT really amazed with yr “IT savviness”. Reading yr blog make me remember my favourite quote - Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant (Robert Louis Stevenson).

    :: Check yr yahoo mail.

  12. Wow, so many kailan seedlings. Malar is right, you have to set up a gerai selling kailan very soon! If only I'm near, I would be your first customer!

  13. meemsnyc
    More than a hundred seedlings. Where am I going to plant them?... haha.

    I hope yours grow well.. oh, you mean kale has varieties?.. I have been growing the same type of kale year after year..

    Seedlings are like little babies. They warm anybody's heart...

    I am still thinking where to put so many of them.

    Kale is always nice.., stir fried!
    Good luck to your kale soon.

    Rebecca @ In The Garden
    Yes.., the tiny stems are so delicate and yet strong lifting and supporting the cotyledons.

    bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah.

  14. ~cikmanggis
    Belum pernah simpan benih dalam peti sejuk.. boleh juga cuba.

    Soon every friday morning, we will be selling sayur at Pasar Tani Machang which is 10 minutes drive away..haha.

    Neighbours had been joking about our garden getting very much like Cameron Highland... With 100 kailan, it is really Cameron Highland!

    Thanks, I might just do that...

    Thanks for the buah tangan... I am not really an IT guy. But I do learn along and practice it. Someone mentioned about your fertigation project in Perak.., is that right?

    ~kitchen flavours
    Who knows, I might just do that... forget about "rasa malu-malu", squeeze among them sellers at Machang Pasar Tani.., every friday morning. (friday is an offday here)

    ~Iskandar Abdul Rashid
    Thanks for the big smile.. haha.

    bangchik and kakdah
    Taman Kota Harmoni
    Tanah Merah, Kelantan.

  15. I will sow kale too, but it is still a little bit too early to do it in Croatia. Well done!

  16. What a coincidence Bangchik I had just sown Kale seeds yesterday too, my first time ever. But since Im a novice vegetable grower, I just threw the whole lot in one pot! Ayoooh...Do you think they will germinate?

  17. Kalipso
    Thanks for the visit... even if yours is much later, but kale will grow healthier there.., their natural home.

    The coincidence is natural, since both of us here and you were all born in the same district, Manjung formally Dindings...

    ~bangchik and kakdah.

  18. For an experience gardener like you, Im very sure you will have a nice good harvest.

  19. Kailan leaves are rather big, so I would love to see the whole process. Like most people, I love kailan.

  20. James Missier
    Somehow Kelantan has funny climate. When it's hot, it is burning hot. I hope kailan can go through..

    Kailan is always nice... stir fried, a bit belacan.. It is fun to see the whole process of kale growth...

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah.
