Friday, February 18, 2011

Three rows of vegetable bed

Kangkung, kale, sweet peas, and peanuts are lining up in the raised vegetable bed. Peanuts had been here for months, seems to stop flowering for a while but busy sending roots right from the stem straight into the ground for the eventual peanuts. Kangkung (water spinach), kale and sweet peas are of the same age, sown together and transplanted on the same day. Kangkung don't seem to pose any problem..., they just keep on growing. Some of the kale are adding the third leaves, some simply wilt and fall flat. Lucky that I have so many extras, which is so handy to replace them.

Sweet peas are real teasers. Their game had been hide and seek. I have been trying again and again, but somehow they are not up to it. They simply dry up and die young..... not even with the first bloom. I guess they hate too much sunlight. Now there is netting for the three rows......

 three rows of vegetable bed with netting.

three rows of  kangkung

sweetpeas at both ends, 
and three rows of little kale in the middle

peanuts / groundnuts / kacang tanah
far left.

bangchik and kakdah
Tanah Merah, Kelantan


  1. I have tried sweet peas as well with no luck. I gave up on them...

  2. Dear Bangchik, Your vegetable garden looks very neat indeed and , I am sure will be very productive indeed. You are trying such a variety of new things in your new home which is very exciting. Sweet Peas I always think of as terribly English and are the most wonderful cut flowers. I think that you should persevere since if you are successful you will love them!!

  3. ~Skeeter
    Thanks for dropping by. I thought I am the only one having problems with sweet peas. We can vary the conditions to get it right.., soil; well drained, heavy on compost etc... and exposure to sunlight. I am not about to give up yet... :)

  4. ~ Edith Hope
    Thanks Edith. I have been growing things in the garden, and somehow sweet peas had been shying away. I appreciate that it has nothing to do with the plants but the gardener's ability and perseverance to a certain point, to come up with the most suitable condition for sweet peas to grow and thrive.

  5. Bangchik, I hope you can find the right combination for growing your Sweet Peas...apparently they smell quite heavenly when they bloom. I admire your peanuts...when I was a kid in southern Virginia there were 3 crops the farmers grew, tobacco, cotton and peanuts. I tried growing a short row of them once and managed 2 or 3 cups of peanuts...very exciting! I so admire your garden, amazing what you've accomplished in just a few months time!

  6. I have not had good luck with sweet peas (though I am going to try again this year) but I have had good luck with snow peas.

  7. Theanne and Baron
    I will keep fingers crossed with sweet peas. Now they are getting 50% sunlight with the shade. For now they are up to 6 inches.... I hope they make it through. ~bangchik

  8. becky3086
    Thanks for dropping by.... so sweet peas are very delicate everywhere. I just wonder what sweet peas are looking for. Understanding their tantrums will surely be an achievement!

  9. As salam bangchik. Saya silent reader blog bangchik. he he he. Seronok tengok pokok2/sayur2/buah2 di taman bangchik.

    Untuk pengetahuan bangchik, saya pun minat jgk bertanam ni. Di rumah saya ada pokok anggur (isabella & IAC), miracle berry, mulberi dll. Insyaallah ade time saya akan ceritakan aktiviti berkebun di blog saya.

    Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah.

  10. P.E da legend...
    W'am. Terimakasih sudi bertandang. Berkebun ni memang la suka, saya ada lebih masa sekarang... kerana anak-anak dah besar, kami pulak tinggal berdua. Ada masa update la tentang anggur... teringin nak faham lanjut RAGAM anggur.

  11. Wish I had more space for vegetable gardening. I do mine in containers which is not as successful as planting in the ground. Your beds look nice.

    What is the netting keeping out of the garden? Birds? What kind?

    It's still February 17 here.


  12. Your vegetable patch really look neat. Remind me of vegetable farm in Cameron!

  13. I never had any luck with vegetables.
    Good luck with your progress, Im very sure the harvest will be plenty.

  14. donna
    Thanks for dropping by. We are experiencing hot and dry season right now, so netting will cool the plants a little bit...

  15. ~ Malar
    Yes, I am creating another Cameron... To the locals, the place is fondly known as REDLAND.... haha.. for tanah merah.

  16. ~ James Missier
    Thanks James..., yeap plenty, for the grasshoppers, for both of us and the neighbours!

  17. It's wonderful to see a little farm like this. And I hope the netting helps the sweet pea to fluorish well. I haven't seen one in real yet! But I hope you will :-D

  18. You have a nice are for your vegies, isn't it difficult to cultivate in very hot climes like ours. Here, sweet peas are cultivated only in higher elevation where it is a bit colder. And if you can let them grow vegetatively, daylength may again pose problems for them to fruit. I seem to remember that they are photoperiodic.

  19. hebatlah!!!..i really inspired with yr little vege itchy hands keep urge me to do d same ;p ...gardening..hehe..

  20. I am amazed how you fully utilized the land.. salute!

  21. ~ Stephanie
    In fact I have six sweet peas growing in polybags, full sunlight, with irrigation system. They are miserable.., yellowing but a few go to blooming stage. Now I can see peas hanging down. I probably show some pics later..

    ~ Andrea
    Enough sunlight, cooler surroundings would probably what sweet peas need. I am trying to get that condition.. I hope it works well....

    ~ AyuKirana
    Thanks... gardening is a vent for creativity... or at least a way to flex your muscle around. Probably as good as aerobic exercise!!... Go gardening... :). Good Luck to your exam/test.

    One side of the house is 60% gardening. The other side is mainly lawn, enough for both us to do basking..or roll around like kids... aha!

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah.

  22. Wow banyaknya Bangchik tanam kangkung. Dekat sini tak tahulah sampai bila kangkung kami dapat bertahan. I miss the chance to plant peanut this summer maybe next. I remember my mom planted some before and home-grown peanut taste so nice. I wonder when you are going to harvest your peanuts.

  23. ~ Ann
    Yes, Kangkung from seeds. Germination is very quick, 100%. It can also be planted with stems. I have done that before.... but somehow, it's better with seeds. They will look even and grow neat.

    ~ Malay-Kadazan girl
    That's not a lot!... I think not more than 20 plants.The plants still sending roots down to form peanuts in the ground, I guess I will wait a while. The batch of peanuts is only coming to 4 months. You sounded like really missing home.... :)

    Cheers, have a great weekend
    ### bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah, Kelantan

  24. I think it's looking great - hugs xx

  25. ## Carrie
    An effort to fill the new space with some green activities. Plants are responding well.... except for sweet peas, crying to get back home to a cooler climate.

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah.

  26. very organized.... love see your garden..

  27. so nice seeing everything getting ready to grow. I will have some beans this season. I hope they grow well

  28. ~ CathJ
    ~ fer
    Thanks for the visit.., if only I have more time, the garden would look even better... :)
    # bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah

  29. mencari pokok berry adalah minat saya dari dulu... sekarang dah tanam pokok mulberry, siap jual lagi/pos ke seluruh malaysia.. berminat sila lawati
    tuan blog dan sahabat blog skalian alam... mana tmpat/cara saya nk dapatkan pokok berry famly yer? teringin sangat2 nk tanam buat koleksi n bisness.. sepokok pun jadilah..sikit2 lama2 jadi duit!!! please info kpd saya. Anuar 013-9791736 sms/call
