Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our garden, a glimpse.

I normally post on specific plant, write about specific characteristic and behaviour. For a change, I display many plants here for a bigger glimpse. At least two of them are from seeds giveaways. Radish from gittan last year, and balsam from Malar this year. Bloggers and gardeners connect well botanically, in a way even green earth campaigner can't compete. Radish and okra are enjoying pampered environment in white polybag, bathed with automatic irrigation system.

radish: seeds from Gittan, blogger friend

a row of radish
  I could have put more radish in each bag.

Okra /lady's fingers/ bendi : flowering & fruiting

exotic climber: red bud

exotic climber

balsam flowering: seeds from a blogger friend Malar.

bangchik and kakdah
Tanah Merah


  1. Wah! Bangchik you have such healthy plants and your balsams already blooming! Mine still growing, no sign of the flower buds yet.

  2. Lovely... all are growing so well...

  3. Bangchik...it always does my heart good to see your verdant garden...I so envy you the okra...LOL A little tiny package at my local grocery store costs almost $5.00 US. I won't buy it...it's mostly bruised and sad looking and often tough. And frozen only works in a soup...oh my! Enjoy your lovely produce and flowers!

  4. Lovely! Your garden is inspiring and giving me hope that I will see radishes soon.

  5. red Radish? They look so promising!
    Glad to see your balsam flowering!
    All your plants look so healthy!

  6. Red radish is not common to see here. Wonder how to cook them? Eat raw? I think they are so cute, feel so 'sayang' to harvest them,ha..

  7. You seem to have seeds from all over the world growing beautifully. It's not always the case. Some seeds turn into bird food. You have done a great job.

  8. Your plants are all so healthy and lush. Your radish are looking great! My plants are not so good now, too much rain!

  9. Interesting to see your balsam. We have a pink flowered balsam which grows near river banks here. The seed pods are such fun , when they are ripe they explode when you touch them! Are yours the same?

  10. Wow, the plants look very healthy and growing well. So nice to see!

  11. Those balsams are so pretty! Posted the seeds today. Hope you get it soon.
