Saturday, April 30, 2011

55 pots of Pak Choy.

I counted with kakdah, so there we are, Pak Choy in 55 pots! Not long from now we are going to have Pak Choy bonanza: a fiesta of sorts, breakfast to dinner with pak choy.., and of course giveaways in the form of pak choy.

They are now in 4 inch diameter pots 
(picture taken on 25 April 2010)

pak choy in pots: the left verandah

pak choy in pots: quite a view!

double row of pak choy: the right verandah

 a few black pots for pak choy.

bangchik and kakdah
tanah merah home


  1. Number're just too tidy.ha
    Second, I'll have lots of give aways also but it's only Thai basil. Like to start a Asian herb garden next year. Not sure what to include but I can grow anything from seed. I'll have get some advise from you later.

  2. Love it that you keep everything so neat!Hope you yield a great harvest.

  3. LOL, did you plant them all at the same time?

  4. Wah banyaknya! At the moment we have many tatsoi seedlings. But I have no space to transplant them;-).

  5. What a very attractive display! I wish I lived close enough to partake in your Pak Choy giveaway. :)

  6. Won't the wind blow them off the railing, or was that just to photograph them? You are going to be sick of eating pak choy in a few weeks, my friend, but what a bonanza! I am going to be the same with tomatoes since I planted WAY too many. Happy gardening!

  7. Patsi
    Thai basil.... huh, you just grow once, the rest nature will handle, There will be seedlings somewhere around the mother plant. I hope you are putting some plan on asia herba garden.

    Comeca Jones
    It is nice to keep them in some order. It will please tired eyes...

    Yeap, all at the same time. I may soon get sick eating pak choy day in day out...

    Malay-Kadazan girl
    Not many, only 55! I used all seedlings that popped out.

    Rebecca @ In The Garden
    It's a vintage position these pak choy... right at the railing of balcony. Do come...

    Wind not very strong.. they should be alright, I want them to be there. It's fun and in fact very safe by having many....

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