Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bunga Bakawali with a pink friend.

The white Bunga Bakawali, the most fragrant of all flowers, has a new pink friend as company. Fiza, our  front neighbour gave Kakdah a leaf of pink bakawali months ago. Yes, a leaf, and that's how one grows Bakawali ..... with a leaf. The other day I sent 3 sections of  white bakawali leaf to a blogger friend via post. She mentioned about the cuttings had rooted. It will be a while before tiny shoots start appearing at the nodes, or dents in bakawali case.

But our new pink bunga bakawali is beginning to to show its prominence, letting out shoots artistically.

pink bakawali, two new shoots

different angle of pink bakawali new shoots

a new shoot coming from the base
a different view showing other plants around.

Judging by the first bunga bakawali blooming way back January 17, 2011 (  Bunga Bakawali Blooming, the stages.), the pink bunga bakawali will take a while to flower. I wouldn't know exactly when, but the leaves got to get old and matured to let out buds and flowers.....

bangchik and kakdah, tanah merah Kelantan


  1. bangchik, kita nak sikit keratan daun dia boleh... dah cari kat nurseri area Sungai Buluh tapi takde... :(

  2. The new leaves are so cute, what a lovely gift.

  3. The leaves itself is an art! The flowers are really beautiful!

  4. ok. got it. The plant will 'barangkali' flower ;-)

  5. ~ejaMaria
    Boleh kerat sikit dan poskan. Tapi kena beri address melalui email

    ~Rebecca @ In The Garden
    Bakawali is all leaves, and occasional flowers. The plant beautifies itself through cute leaves and eventually the most fragrant flowers.

    Yes, everything about bakawali is beautiful. The camera is more than happy to enhance the beauty to a level of being artistic.

    At the beginning flowering is "barangkali", but once it gets into the habit, it becomes "berkali-kali".

  6. I already booked the front seat to watch your bunga bakawali to bloom again.

  7. Is this plant belongs to the cactus family? I planted this years ago, a decade ago, actually, the flowers has a delicate lovely fragrance besides being beautiful!

  8. ~Malay-Kadazan girl
    There will be live-broadcast, when it decide to flower. Teleconferencing maybe... :)

    ~kitchen flavours
    Most cactus has tuberlike body, but bakawali is skinny..., leaflike body. you are right about its fragrance. It's extravaganza!

  9. lovely. I have never planted one. Does it require shade, or full sun ?

  10. ~FreesiaStar
    We keep them in shade. I have seen others putting bakawali at the front yard, full sun and yet flowering profusely.

  11. Too bad there's no such thing as "smellD" (like 3D, except you can smell what you see).

    I think I love the way flowers smell almost as much as I like the way some look.

  12. ZZ
    I hope one day, smell can be captured in photographs and released at a click of a button!
    Flowers is Kakdah's territory, I think she would say the same because she loves to hold flowers close to her nose.

  13. The fragrance of this flower is really good... as you mentioned, if only smell can be captured like photographs and posted in blogs...

  14. Lrong
    It's not impossible to do that lrong... looking for ways to get hold of chemical ID for the smell... and release. It's like colour mixing... now smell mixing.

  15. They are unbelievably fragrant. I am still waiting for my plant to grow big enough to flower. Sadly I had to get rid of my original plant as it got too big. I am looking forward to pics of your pink one.

  16. ~easygardener
    Bakawali can really grow making its presence felt. My brother had a fiesta of 13 flowers opening up within 2 days. Our pink bakawali should open up before the end of the year..., i think.

  17. Hye bangchik... Im actually finding for tiz flower.. If u dnt mind can u sell tiz one or two flowers to me... Im gonna use it for treatment purpose for my mum. Well i've planned to plant tiz flower but unfortunately i couldt get tiz plant in any nursery. Pls help me if u can. Ur help is much appreciated. Tq. Pls email me. Tq

    1. kash... sorry for the delay in responding, no flowers for the moment, but I can send cuttings so that you can grow them.

  18. How can I get this bakawali flower??? N how much does it cost.

    1. Since the flowers last for a day..., it would be difficult to sell them. Unless the dried flower is alright. Or do you want cuttings so that you can grow them?
