Saturday, May 14, 2011

Let Okra branch out for more harvest.

I really have to thank Izmar, a friend from Kuantan. He must have the darkest green fingers on earth, as a full time farmer for some 20 years. Chili has been his specialty, very profitable he said. It's him that suggested cutting off the the main stem to about a foot height, to let more branches coming out. It should have been done very much earlier...., even before Okra learn to flower, he said

A little bit late, but I did cut all them to a foot height, yes, how they branched out. Now, instead of a fruit per plant, Kakdah is now enjoying 3 - 5 okra per plant! Since there are more branches and more fruits for okra to feed, the fruits tend to be smaller and a bit longish.  Veggie sellers understand this marketing aspect of Okra, and they know buyers prefer thinner and smaller okra, not the big  healthy looking ones. The smaller okra is convenient for cooking, serving and eating....., a gulp a piece!!

bangchik and kakdah, tanah merah Kelantan


  1. Saya selalu guna teknik itu. Ada sekali tu dengan betik, naik dua tiga cabang!

  2. can we adopt the same technique to banana? :P

  3. Thank you for the sharing the tip! I have some okra seedlings now, will do exactly that!

  4. ~pekebun kecil
    ada juga ternampak betik bercabang.. menarik juga kalau betik dipaksa bercabang. Buahnya tentu berganda.., kecil pun tak kisah, asal banyak.

    for banana, there will be lot of babies around the base, no need for such technique.. :)

    ~kitchen flavours
    worth trying...., and good luck. or you may want to try a few first and make comparison.

    Short okra is definitely convenient and very marketable... Any idea where I can get such seeds?

  5. I hope that one day when we move up country where the summers are much warmer to be able to grow Okra.

    Right now with the cooler wet summers here, it's pretty impossible.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  6. I did not know that okra benefit from being cut back. We certainly have the heat up here in the high desert of Colorado to grow them. Your comments encourage me to give them a try :-)

  7. Muddy Boot Dreams
    Come and stay here in Malaysia for a year..., enjoy the views, rivers, mountains, jungles everything. Then you can enjoy growing okra, papaya, pineapples etc....

    Patricia Tryon
    Give it a try..., and enjoy abundance of harvest!

  8. I'm growing okra for the first time this year. I hope it does well!

  9. meemsnyc
    Hope everything is alright with your okra....
