Saturday, May 7, 2011

Unintended companionship, chili and ubi badak

Kakdah must have thrown chili seeds there, just 2 meters away from kitchen door.  When I planted ubi badak early this year... chili seedlings were not there yet. Kakdah fluffed the soil around ubi badak yesterday, and she noticed three chili plants growing and ready to bear fruits!. Flower buds were quite visible, not pest mark, as clean as ubi badak plant. So I thought, ubi badak vines must have chased pests away from chili ,   .the  most vulnerable plants. 

cili and ubi badak

cili and ubi badak

bangchik and kakdah, tanah merah, Kelantan


  1. yeah probably Kakdah, that is the serendipitous research. Please try it again in some locations later when planting ubi, but put more chili. Or maybe the pests are already satisfied with those lots of chilis you planted, so they dont need to look somewhere else, haha! BTW, what do you need your lots of chili plants in your rooftop? Will you sell the plants or the fruits.

  2. ubi badak mmg penghalau serangga semulajadi ke bangchik?... Maria mmg ada masalah dgn serangga perosak tanaman ni... nak meracun selalunya tak brape suka pulak... sbb tanaman makanan... tp klu tak meracun... habis pokok... itu pun Maria dah jarakkan tempoh meracun sebulan sekali je... kecuali klu teruk baru buat seminggu sekali... :(

  3. ~Andrea
    Thanks. I do have other ubi badak, I may put chili nearby to confirm the observation. That particular one is a bit unintended. About preparing 1000 chili for rooftop gardening..., is my way of helping a group of entrepreneurs. It's pure commercial undertaking!

    Belum pasti lagi sama ada ubi badak penghalau serangga. Baru satu pemerhatian saja. Andrea dah suggest letak lagi cili kat tepi ubi badak yang lain, dan lihat. Tentang meracun, kalau kerap sangat, kita dah tak dapat tenguk rama-rama, lebah dan kumbang di sekitar taman. Unggas2 tu pun perlu juga, sebagai penyeri dan sebagai agen pendebungaan.
