Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Papaya, all female.

The other day Zali, and Ya were quite surprised to see all four papaya plants in our little garden, female. I tell them a technique  "scoop seeds from a ripe papaya, there should be more females than males. Both sexes differ in colour and size, take the females and germinate them!"

It was Farah our daughter who told me this. She got it from one of her neighbours in Kepala Batas, Kedah. I am not in a position to really confirm the technique, but somehow it worked on me. So it is nice to see all female papaya. And they are showing off little fruits, telling everyone that they really are females and ready for more little fruits.... I thought at seven months, they are rather quick to produce flowers and fruits. The last attempt over in Putrajaya took much longer, almost a year which finally died after a bout of termite attack.

plant no 1, first fruit

plant no 2,  first fruit  

plant no 3,  first fruit 

Earlier posts/pictures on Papaya:

 bangchik and kakdah


  1. Congratulations! You should get plenty of fruit with three female trees...And they are fruiting in only seven months from seed? You really have quite the green thumb... :)

  2. oh now i understand there is male and female papaya. and does only the female bear fruits? yours look like it is coming along well. soon you'll have papaya to enjoy.

  3. Good tactic!
    Lucky you to have all female plant! Papaya fruiting in 7 months? That's fast enough!

  4. Dear Bangchik, Your children are so knowledgeable in matters of the earth. You must be proud! P.

  5. College Gardener
    ~ I hope they bear a lot of fruits. I hope the four plants live longer than the one in Putrajaya. But we do appreciate what nature has in store on how plants grow and die.

    ~ yeap, only females bear fruits like us humans too. The so called males only produce elaborate flowers which never end up as fruits.

    ~ I am surprised too with 7 month old papaya fruiting. I hope they dont die young.....

    Pam's English Garden
    ~ Farah find it tough to grow plants with 3 young children. But she has fair grasp on earth matters. Later may be, when her kids get bigger that she be serious with gardening...

  6. My mother knows the technique on how to distinguish male from female papaya seed.

    Nice to see your fruit bearing papapa.

    Lisa from Acoustic Guitar Lessons

  7. Mary Joy
    ~ good, knowledge about plants is universal. Since older generations are friendlier to nature, therefore they know more. Our modern world pushes nature aside..... a great pity.

  8. Congrats on your success. Our papaya plants are also now bearing little fruits.

  9. Nicole
    ~ congratulations to you too..., and beware of termites attack!
