Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wishing Markisa good luck!

Markisa sounds like a girl's name. It is in fact a variety of passion fruits. There are 100 seedlings in the garden right now, and I have not decided where to plant them. If anyone wish to buy them, I will be more than happy..... aha, knowing Markisa will brighten up someone else garden......

markisa seedlings

markisa seedlings

markisa seedlings

A few months ago, Azura mentioned about markisa plants  growing healthily in her mother's garden. She saved one fruit for me..., and I didn't take long to germinate the little black seeds.

We are waiting 
for these to happen 
right in our garden, 
or someone else garden.

the beautiful flowers of markisa/passionfruit/passiflora edulis

Buah Markisa/ passion fruit/ passiflora edulis

bangchik and kakdah


  1. I don't like much passion fruit as it taste sours when I eat it last time.

  2. saya pula suka buah ni sebab aromanya walaupun rasanya masam..aromanya sangat terasa jika kita menyedutnya...

  3. love it! but no space to tanam...huhuhu

  4. jiran sebelah rumah ada tanam. pokoknya subur, daun merimbun tapi belum nampak berbuah lagi.

  5. markisa top on to ice cream. Yummy! Hope they grow speedily.

  6. I wong (依之汉)
    ~ We can sweeten it..

    ~ Wangi sesangat....

    ~ Markisa doesn't seem to take up space. Let it grow to 8 feet, we can still walk through...

    ~ harap2 jiran tu hulur sebesen!

    Malay-Kadazan girl
    ~ markisa takes 6 months for the first harvest.... not very long.

  7. Fascinating! fruit and veg are known all over the world by different names, but you only know for sure by comparing the Latin. In many places in Europe the passion fruit is known as Maracuya. xx

  8. Matron

    ~ yea, many names for the same fruit. Maracuya sounds almost like Markisa

  9. Ooo... I too have these. I have the yellow and pink variants that are sweet with a slight hint of tanginess. However, the flower is not as showy as the purple ones.

    I find them hard to germinate and have them in the garden now. Hopefully, they will fruit in a few months time.

  10. Markisa? sound like a lovely lady's name!
    That's a lot of markisa!

  11. emm yummy... Teringat zaman kanak-kanak. Memang puas makan buah markisa. Kat kebun banyak sangat.

  12. Food so delicious
    .......... In johor, I put three markissa on the ground, near cloth lines. I thought, they can grow up and use the cloth lines as trellis. They are alright so far.

  13. Assalammualaikum Bangchik & Kakdah,
    Saya memang mencari anak pokok markisa untuk koleksi tanaman saya.
    Berapakah harga sepokok dan kos penghantarannya. Saya tinggal di Pelabuhan Klang. Sekian. Terima kasih.

  14. Assalammualaikum Bangchik & Kakdah,
    Saya memang mencari anak pokok markisa untuk koleksi tanaman saya.
    Berapakah harga sepokok dan kos penghantarannya. Saya tinggal di Pelabuhan Klang. Sekian. Terima kasih.

  15. Assalamualaikum.. puas sy cari anak pokok markisa..kalsu ada boleh sy beli anaknya...

  16. Hi Bangchik and Kakdah,
    You have a lovely blog here. I've been reading them very often.
    Hope you can post more writings.
    Anyway, I have a question regarding markisa here.
    How long does it take for seedlings ( grown from seeds ) to fruit ?
    My mum' planted some seeds since late last year but still no sign of any flowers to date. Their growth is good ( very thick growth ) but yet no flowers yet. I've tried putting flowering fertilizers and make sure they get enough water but still no result. I read somewhere it could take a year to fruit. Is that true?
    Thank you in advance!
    Keep up the blogging !
