Friday, October 7, 2011


We missed gardening for a month or so. Now we are back. I look around, and immediately sense sadness. A glimpse of neglect. Emotional abandonment.

walkway, a little bit sad.
Balsam resting on the walkway

Ulam raja peeping out over the fence.

potted plants fending themselves

But papaya is happy.....

bangchik and kakdah


  1. By comparison to plants in my garden, they still look VERY happy. But I know they'll be happier now that you are back to talk to them.

  2. Don't be sad Banchik, it looks like your plants fared very well on their own, now with a little attention your garden will look as good as ever.

  3. I'm sure you'll get everything back in order very soon...and like your other commenters...I think your plants look quite healthy, maybe not totally happy that you were away

  4. Oceangirl..
    Thanks. But happiness with our yardstick may not corellate well with plants. Trees and plants in the forest seem happiest, without men or women... When we tame them at home, of course they become pets.... And need us around.

  5. Rebecca...
    Now I understand why some employ gardener to look after plants.But the joy behind gardening is not just by looking... It's everything about gardening, from germinating to felling...

  6. Theanne and Baron....
    When we start weeding, they may simply miss their friends..., huh, the price they have to pay for having men/women as friends.

  7. When I return from a holiday,one of the first things I do is to walk round my garden to check out the growth since my absence. Needless to say, our weather makes changes come quickly! And it can turn 'wild' in a short span. Gardens need TLC too.

  8. "Welcome back Bangchik", the plants said!

  9. Keats...
    Yea, we see real change by being away. After that we get used to things and changes seem so slow and almost non-existence. Now rain is almost daily.., plants get wet and thrive.

  10. Andrea....
    Some may just yell "hey, he is back!", knowing I will get down and do pruning...

  11. Look on the bright side - nothing dried up and died! And sometimes plants that are handled too much look decidedly unhappy. Besides, no harm can come from a little independence!

  12. JGH....
    If soil is fertile, plants can handle themselves....

  13. I'm sure everything will be back in order in notime!

  14. Katarina...
    we allow some changes over time... New plants, new concept,... A new canvas for the artist... Yea, they will be back in no time, with different look.

  15. Where do you grow your plants in Putrajaya?

  16. Mobajobg...
    Precint 14, Putrajaya. We just grow plants/veggie around the house. Three years there, now I am staying in Tanah Merah.
