Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What's in store for the new garden.

Coming to a new place, one will have to assess what's in store for gardening adventure. Over here space is definitely big for gardening. Vegetable garden will remain small for sustainability. For the two of us, we dont really require big harvest. It should be enough for home use and ocasional giveaways to neighbours. So it looks like 6 rows of vegetable is enough. We are planning for 3 different spots for climbers, with steel trellis.... permanent feature for the garden.

 Potted Plants
Potted plants are recuperating well after such long journey,
and in a way fills up the emptiness
of not having a vegetable garden.

Kakdah likes this evergreen plant....

Fern, easy to look after


An ordinary orchid

New seedlings

Ulam Raja, Kangkung and Ladys' Fingers come out nicely and now at second pair of leaves. We will let them grow bigger and stronger in pots before putting them in vegetable bed. Lettuce, chili, clitoria ternatea, cabbage are joining the queue...

20 ulam raja seedlings.

Kangkung and lady's finger seedlings

Getting Vegetable Garden ready

Additional soil brought in for vegetable bed

Monsoon and Flood
Soil is very clayey,
with a tendency to hold and retain water.
Water will take sometime to move to the drain, hence a little flood.

Flood, just temporary before surface water gets into drain

Water drained away within a few hours

So water is going to be a problem. We are planning to raise the vegetable bed a little higher to avoid being completely submerged during rainy season. Two lorryloads of soil should be adequate. Sand which will come soon, will be added to improve drainage and texture of garden soil. I only have weekends to handle all these.... That will take a month or two.....

bangchik and kakdah.


  1. Looks like it will be a beautiful garden!

  2. I wish you both wonderful success with this new adventure.

  3. I understand clayey soil...that's what I grew up with in Virginia. Happy you're at top of little hill and water drains away. Good idea to raise your beds! Your little plants are quite beautiful!

  4. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the new garden.

  5. I too thought the same idea when I saw those watery place photo. Making a good drainage is what you guys need. Plus higher or raised beds.

    I wish for the best.

    p/s: it's sure a big garden backyard there.

  6. We have clay here too in Virginia. The answer remains the same: manure and compost. They help anything! Good luck and enjoy your new garden.

  7. My garden soil is clayey too! Through the years I add compose and mix it with good store bought soil!
    Good luck with your venture! Hope to see your garden soon!

  8. Work is never done in a garden! But I'm sure your hard work and Kakdah's will pay off. Enjoy and reap:)

  9. I am amazed at your stamina Bangchik! But be careful with your back, haha, that looks like a difficult site to handle wuth that flooding! What actually is that "ulam raja", as i've been reading it in many Malay blogs.

  10. Congratulations on your great new space. Inenvynyou all that room. May your vegetables be delicious!

  11. Hi Bangchik & kakdah....all the best to both of u with ur new garden...& selamat jd org jb..:)

  12. Red Hills....
    - we do hope it turn out to beautiful.. But it has to go through different phases first: wet, soggy, empty, messy.....

    Thanks..., give us two months, the look will be different.

  13. Theanne and Baron.....
    - On clayey soil, pushing wheel barrow is difficult. Everything will be messy, shoes, trousers, equipments and the site itself...

    - just wait, and follow.., there will be surprises.

  14. I wong.....
    - raised bed is easy. Providing good drainage is a bit tough, because we have correct the soil level to persuade surface water running to the drain..

    - we have ordered excellent topsoil and compost and will let the new material settle for a while. That would help.

  15. Malar...
    - I can't wait for garden soil to improve gradually over years. God knows how long I will stay here. So I put aside two months to get everything in tiptop condition. Yes sounds very ambitious, but that's the basic plan..

    Garden will never end.. First phase is to get it in shape.. Vegetables will grow in pots for now..

  16. Andrea....
    - It's the spirit that keeps garden work going. Stamina is lagging 2 steps behind I guess.... On Ulam Raja, please check the label. I did many posts on it. Edible variety of cosmos, that's ulam raja.

    - I will use just a portion for vegetables, a bit for climbers, and a corner for flower bush. I still need empty space to enjoy the vastness..

    - I feel welcome. A different place, different dialect and different climate. I can see many restaurant operators here being Kelantanese!!

  17. Olá!!!

    Seu blog é lindo, maravilhoso!

    assim igual a voce, sou
    apaixonado pela natureza!


  18. Estou fazendo um tour pelo
    seu blog, é muita informação!!!
    estou aprendendo muito por


  19. That's a big space, hope everything grows well!

    The Malaysia Project

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Looks like 'My little vegetable garden' will soon turn out to be Wonder Garden. Keep up the good work to green the earth & the kick out of it at the same time.

  22. Adriano..........
    - thanks for the visit and comments. Within a month or so, the new garden will take shape.

    - yes, really big space. I will only use a portion for vegetable plot. Flowers and shrubs will follow, subject to negotiation with Kakdah. She has some ideas.

    School of Tots.....
    Hopefully it turns out as Wonder Garden. For the moment it stays awful with heaps of soil and sand, and bricks. The limiting factor on the adventure is time (and of course stamina!)
