Sunday, March 25, 2012

growing pineapples not a thorny issue.

This is our best effort so far with pineapples. Twelve pineapples madu and 10 pineapples mutiara variety. Razak  managed to get pineapple seedlings from Pontian, free of charge he said. The little ones, madu variety seems to keep adding leaves, while the longer and bigger mutiara variety stay steady, getting taller and bigger, but strikingly lack the bushy look.

pineapples: madu variety

Pineapples: mutiara variety

Pineapples are said to originate from South America,
 and later spread to all part of the world through 
colonisations, voyages and trades.


Faizal, kakdah's brother who is involved in pineapples industry in Perak, mentioned about pineapples needing a full year for harvest. But with hormones or something, the process can be quickened. I think I am going to let the pineapples grow as they like, keep putting fertiliser and water and lets see when will they decide to bear fruits. No hormones no inducers....

bangchik and kakdah


  1. Thanks bangchik n kak dah for the roselle seed. I am quite suprise to receive the seeds in the white envelope. Wondering who is sending from the college hehehe anyway, i too planted a pineapple head yesterday. A year is too long isn't it? I thought it's gonna takes a few months only.

    1. Wanie... good that you had received it. If i can remind, you have to straightaway germinate them.... otherwise soon you cant even remember where is the envelope!.. Pineapple is like papaya, taking their own sweet time..... a year is normal.

  2. Replies
    1. NotSoAngryRedHead
      ... thank you, tropical place is a paradise with beautiful plants...

  3. Your pineapples look wonderfully healthy and growing nicely! So happy you're not adding the hormones!

  4. Thanks Theanne, It is nice to see them growing well. Regular rains help definitely, fertiliser and mulch in the form of half decomposed dead leaves should make pineapples even happier.

  5. I love pineapple and would love to have a pineapple garden! It's too cold to grow them here. Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. :o)

    1. Casa Mariposa
      ... It's alright to dream a tropical garden, as much as I dream having grape vineyard and strawberries.

  6. Hi Bangchik, am glad you are back to posting again. I also have 3 varieties of pineapple, and they are left on their own, it's been 2 yrs already and they haven't flowered except one. They are the most long maturing pineapple i know! That is because during the rainy season they are covered with gourd vines, so can grow again come dry season, haha! And you might think i have large plantations! No, i only have 3 plants, each a different variety. LOL.

  7. andrea...
    3 year pineapple is like 200 year old man!!... or woman....

  8. My pineapples only start to flower during the coolest time of the year (10C). I was surprised at that.

    1. Prospero...
      then we wonder if pineapples start to flower when it is due, regardless of weather / temperature.

  9. Of course weather is the big factor.

  10. I have planted several pineapple tops over the last few years. My two oldest and largest plants now each have a pineapple growing on them. I'm so excited. How will I know when they are ready to harvest? Both are in pots and the pineapples look like miniatures.
    Should I water them more or less now?
    Thanks for your help.
    As a last note, I live on the Gulf coast between Houston and Galveston.
