Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tomato, sweet kakdah said

It is sweet in the middle.
 That's the way
Kakdah describes the recent harvest of tomato.

tomato in a bowl : pic1

tomato in a bowl: pic2

tomato in a bowl: pic 3

tomato in a bowl: pic4

tomato in a bowl : pic 5
Three plants to start with,  one  died of wilting within the first month, the other died also of wilting with tomato already formed. Only one survived to the end. And this is the first harvest of six tomato. I am expecting another harvest within a week or two. The ripest tasted quite sweet kakdah said.....

bangchik and kakdah


  1. Nothing can beat home grown tomatoes! I have the same problem here with wilting....I can't plant tomatoes on the same old bed.

    1. i don't know much about disease and bacteria. I read somewhere that wilting is due to soil borne bacteria/virus. So that explains why planting tomato on the same spot continuously lead to wilting.

  2. hahaha, only 1 plant remained! anyways that's enough for the two of you. I planted 6 near the bench of my petunia, to take care of the moist soil dripping from the bench. I put goat dung compost, and the tomatoes grow so healthy and tall, my sister had difficulty putting the trellis because they produced lots of fruits. Many bunches had 6fruits, the maximum number per bunch. I was so happy but can see them only every other week. However, the eggplants are always eaten by mother's chickens.

    1. Andrea
      It's alright to share eggplants with chickens.... very noble!! Now you are giving me ideas about goat dung.... definitely our next attempt with tomato will be different.

  3. Wow, are those cherry tomatoes? I have a cherry tomato plant and I waited for a year to only have two tomatoes to eat. Its pathetic! Now most of the leaves have wilted and dried up. I couldn't figure out what went wrong since I have been faithfully watering and fertilizing it. I wish I could do like Andrea - goat dung but I'm pretty sure my neighbors would be unpleased.

    Ben (Gardening Pleasures)

    1. Ben
      They are cherry tomato.... in fact the normal medium size tomato for cooking. Waiting for one year is far too long Ben, ours is 4 months!

  4. Wow, lovely tomatoes! I need to start on tomatoes again.

    1. I am glad to be able to rekindle your enthusiasm on tomato.

  5. Hi Bangchik and Kakdah! I was wondering where in Klang Valley sells worms that are used for vermicompost.

    Evelyn (

    1. There are a few entrepreneurs around Dengkil, near Putrajaya doing vermicompost.

  6. Tiffany @ No Ordinary HomesteadApril 01, 2012 10:45 AM

    Yummy tomatoes! Can you share how did you make a healthy and sweet harvest tomatoes? I actually host a weekly gardening link up every Friday on my blog. I'd love for you to drop by and join in.

    1. Tiffany.
      Thanks, enough of everything should be the secret: water, fertiliser, sunlight and air to breath. Not forgetting I lose two plants due to wilting!.... I will drop by your blog, thanks.
