Thursday, August 2, 2012

a sweet memory of the recent past.

The photos were taken during the last rainfall. It had already been more than a week without rain now, it's definitely getting hotter and drier.  Kakdah was down for two days with fever. The plants are yellowing with thirst. I am displaying sweet memories of the last rainfall here....

the vegetable patch with ubi kemili or ubi keling

a spot where water wont go anywhere, and it got to dry up by itself.

the little buds of a palm tree close to the front porch

watery buds.

sweet memory of the recent past, a rainfall

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang, johor


  1. I hope Kakdah feels better. Love the little palm buds.

  2. Replies
    1. true tatyana, water is the essence of life, somehow at both extremes life would be disrupted.

  3. No sweet memories with respect to our rainfall! Too much and too often!

    1. Sue, at least plants would love rainfall, unless the place got flooded!... of course we can't get out when there's rain.

  4. Replies
    1. Lrong, when the sky offer helps in watering, we would be thankful.

  5. Love the picture of your lush vegetable garden in the rain, Bangchik. I hope Kakdah makes a full recovery soon. Also hope your weather cooperates. P. x

  6. Pam's English Garden
    Thanks Pam...., Kakdah is recovering, quite weak after 4 days of fever. Her taste, sensory organs are recuperating. I bought her favorite food the other day, she just looked, tasted a bit, and quickly pushed aside. She said "why bitter..."

  7. Sorry to Kakdah is sick - best wishes for a quick recovery!

    Parts of the US are really suffering with drought right now. They are already predicting inflated grocery prices since so many crops were lost.

    1. JGH.... grocery prices will be inflated at both extremes : droughts and flood. Kakdah is more cheerful today.!

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog, it´s nice to get new friends all over the world! We have had a very rainy summer here in Finland this year...

    Sari from Puumuli

    1. Thanks sari from puumuli....., it rained yesterday, not too heavy, and today sky was gloomy but no rain. Temperature is getting cooler.

  9. The weather was so hot till last week! Luckily it's raining now! phew...!
    Hope Kak Dah is better now ;)
