Wednesday, August 8, 2012

trellis with yellow bamboo.

They were doing landscape facelift further up the road, which included removing 3 clusters of yellow bamboo. I asked them to bring those bamboo to my place instead of throwing somewhere.  The bamboo are long, not bothering to cut them to shorter length I just stake them as trellis. They really look very tall and I think zehneria or timun tikus (seeds from Cambodia) would find the height very enticing.  Zehneria are known to grow to a height of 15 feet.

yellow bamboo trellis in my little vegetable garden

Five zehneria seedlings that climb up the trellis

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang, johor


  1. Bangchik, your trellis is very tall indeed. What a sight.

  2. mak aiii..tingginya trellis... sampai ke nak ambik buahnya nanti bangchik... zehneria/timun tikus tu bangchik tanam untuk makan atau ubat? zaman kanak2 dulu suka kutip buah timun tikus dalam semak makan.. bila masak warnanya merah...

    1. Benih dari Cambodia, ambil waktu kesana. orang sana kata pucuk boleh buat sayur, buahnya sedikit pahit, tapi tetap boleh makan. Famili timun tikus jugak....

  3. Wow that trellis looks gorgeous. I wish I can get some bamboo as easily as you. I am in dire need of trellises and support for some of my plants.

    1. you may want to ask friends. One of them may have wild bamboo growing nearby and offer you for free....
