Friday, March 1, 2013

World Kite Festival, Pasir Gudang ~ the antics

It was a hot afternoon, but fun all the way.
23rd February 2013, Pasir Gudang

" You shoot me, I will shoot you! " we both said

a participant from abroad, squeezed in between

a young lady

then she smiled.

the two smiled happily

_______ acrobatic display of 4-wheeler kite handler ________

foto 1

foto 2
foto 3

foto 4

foto 5

foto 6

foto 7
foto 8

foto 9
foto 10

foto 11

foto 13
foto 12

foto 14
foto 15.... Oppsss!

and that was the kite he was handling.

___________BANGCHIK AND KAKDAH___________
p a s i r   g u d a n g


  1. That to looks like a lot of fun! Did you fly any kites?

  2. Swimray: It was fun all round. I didn't fly any kites but our team did, and in fact they won second prize for "rokkaku corporate kite" category.

  3. oh, pergi sana ye.. Ros tak sempat nak pergi hari tu.. Mula -mula memang nak pergi, tapi di saat akhir tak dapat pergi..

  4. years ago I very much enjoyed flying I very much enjoyed your photos

    I also like the photo of you and Kakdah...very nice

  5. Cool blog, it looks like you had a wonderful time.
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  6. That's really amazing show!

  7. The kite festival looks amazing. The 4-wheeler looks like he has good control over this kite. Did you take any videos of the event?

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  9. Perfect for a fun day for the whole family!
