Monday, February 10, 2014

Mulberry, fast recovery.

It was a month ago that we pruned the mulberry plant heavy and low. 
Now the branches shoot up to about 3 feet with ripe berries. 
I call that "fast recovery".

Mulberry: the stems were pruned heavy and low a month ago

Mulberry, a real fast recovery.

________bangchik and kakdah________
seri kembangan


  1. Wow! And you planted that in a pot?

    1. Yes in a pot...... so far mulberry cope with pruning well. In fact pruning is necessary because branches tend to grow too long.

  2. Bang Chik, i repotted my mulberry plants yesterday.. they almost died under the hot spell. i can't remember the last time putrajaya rain. by the way, we were in the same meeting last january (with DS Zaini). i was seated behind you. that was the first time we were in the same meeting room which turned out to be the only chance i met you personally. i am now serving for the govt in different ministry yet closer to your office building. we might stump to each other during lunch break hehe..

    1. Hello wanie.... so it's you at the back. We will be seeing one another again and again..... :)

  3. That was real fast! Hope you have a bumper crop of mulberies!

    1. lotusleaf... yes, it was rather fast. We also pruned down croton, but that one just let out tiny shoots....

  4. My mulberry tree is not happy.

    Right now, it has no leaves. It's waiting for the warmer weather to leaf out (that's what it did last year). Then some bug eat up all the leaves! Yikes.

    It's a grafted Black Beauty mulberry, and it had been in a large pot for years before I rescued it from a local plant nursery and planted it out in my yard.

    1. so sorry to hear that..... lets hope the warmer weather will breath life into your leaveless mulberry soon.... :)

  5. Hello.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog!
    I planted a mulberry in my garden last summer. The variety is called "Mulle"
    Looking forward to eating mulberries this summer it is something I dream about!
    / / Helena

    1. Helena, I never realised mulberry comes in many varieties.... We bought one many years ago, had been propagating many as giveaways to friends and family members, and yet I don't know the specific variety.

  6. Wow mulberry in a pot. That's a nice idea. I would love to try that. If I manage to buy mulberry in my country.

    1. Leanan..., we treat mulberry as ornamental with occasional bonus in form of berries.... so the plant stays in pot.
