Friday, February 14, 2014

Tanam Sayur Sendiri, bayam or spinach. - updates (Report 2)

Spinach / Bayam : we had done a bit of thinning to reduce the number of spinach.

Spinach planting schedule.
Sowing: --------------10.01.2014
Report 1 -------------18.01. 2014  Vegetable Gardening - a new start
Report 2 -------------12.02. 2014
Harvest: --------------07.03. 2014 expected
sowing to harvest: ------8 weeks  expected

Spinach originated in ancient Persia, eventually making its way to Italy in 827 and finally gracing European tables in the 1300s. Its appearance in early spring made this a fast favorite when other vegetables were scarce during Lenten diets. For this reason, spinach has the great honor of being mentioned in the first known English cookbook.
When Catherine de'Medici became the queen of France in 1522, she insisted that spinach be served at every meal because she loved it so. Today when you hear of spinach dishes referred to as "Florentine," that is because Catherine was born in Florence.   refer: National spinach day – Eatocracy - Blogs

17th January 2014
Spinach, just tiny seedlings. 17.1.2014

12th February 2014

Spinach, a month after sowing....

Kakdah would take a few for meal 
until the batch gets too hardy before the 8th week 

________bangchik and kakdah________
seri kembangan


  1. Salam,
    tengok bayam bangchik and kakdah ni teringat bayam yang saya tanam kat belakang rumah, dah beberapa hari tak jenguk, agaknya bole buat sayur lagi ker idak...hehehe

    1. smRose.... Wslm, bayam kena selalu tenguk, takut terlebih usia... :)

  2. Salam Bangchik, did you buy the seeds? Can get from the spinach itself? I'm experimenting a lot of veggies now and bayam is my favorite :)

    1. Wslm Ash..... I bought fresh seeds because seeds saved from Pasir Gudang days I simply cant locate... probably stuck in one of the many boxes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Assalammualaikum bangchik n kakdah.
    Bayam yg.disemai macam gambar kedua tu, perlu dialih lagi ke atau biarkan dia membesar disitu, rapat2 macam tu? terimakasih sudi melawat blog saya.

    1. Wslm Puteri Purnama...., Yang dalam gambar kedua akan kekal begitu, memang tak alih lagi dah, malah saya cabut sebahagian. Target kami nak sepasu saja....

  5. That is so interesting about spinach and Catherine de'Medici.
    Your spinach looks wonderful; I can't wait for spring to arrive so I can start growing some here too!

    1. Thanks Aerie-el..... Your spring will come, and the weather you have fits most leafy veggie. Have a nice weekend.

  6. Hi Bangchik! Spinach is my favorite! Thanks for the interesting information!

    1. Thanks Tatyana.... many love spinach..., Popeye the sailor man too... :)

  7. you ever grow yr coriander from seeds? experimentimg

    1. I tried growing coriander before, but luck was against me. I may try again....

  8. Very healthy looking spinach. I can't grow spinach it's either too cold or too hot here.

  9. leanan.... spinach doesn't really like hot weather.... over here spinach will thrive best under slight shade.

  10. salam kak, bayam memang ambil masa yang lama untuk besar ye kak? selalu ambil masa berapa lama untuk harvest ye? tq :)
