Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weeds - mostly unwanted, but a necessity.

A friend once mentioned this " Once a weed, now a veggie that feed the whole world ".  Weeds are here for a reason, they keep growing without our care and attention. They may not fit well in a garden, but they definitely fit well within the big eco-system.

The first weed is of climbing type. 
It will climb any tree to the highest point,
 and build a dense canopy. 

WEED 1 - Climbing weed

WEED 1 - Climbing weed

WEED 1 - Climbing weed

The second weed never grow tall. 
They will not reach a foot high.  In a way, they act as ground cover, 
keeping the soil moist and healthy.

WEED 2 - common weed in a container

We don't know where the weeds come from, definitely we never specifically grow and nurture them. No matter how often we do weeding, they will surely come back.  I suppose we got to be friendly with them, and understand their purpose { Great Stems} of existence here on earth.

_____________bangchik and kakdah_____________
my little vegetable garden


  1. All plants become weeds if they grow in a place where you don't want them to. Many provide food for native insects.

    1. Sue, every single plant exist for a reason.... some we dont know yet, and we just label them as weeds

  2. I spent most of yesterday pulling weeds from places I did not want them to grow.

    1. keewee........ and they keep appearing soon after

  3. You're are right! We never plant them but they seems to grow lush!

    1. yes, they grow so well to attract our attention.....

  4. Weeds are welcome in my garden, especially during the summer heat waves. Until they don't start choking my vegetables.

    1. Leanan... weeds are good at filling up empty space.

  5. Memang payah nak banish weed dr tanah, they are so persistent! Still, I'd rather see the 2nd weed than the creeping ones and the tall ones. Happy gardening to you both! :D

    1. Ismail..... Macam2 jenis weeds ada... the creeping one is quite tolerable.

  6. Hi Bangchik,
    Weeds always come back no matter how much we clear them. The second picture, known as gripeweed will always pops up everywhere, as I noticed their seeds are under the leaves, so the seeds will drop onto the soil and new weeds will pop up every so often.

  7. weeding is part of gardening, infact to have perfect grass, the witty part is to weed out :)

    1. we dont really do weeding for now....... just happy to see weeds growing, after months of heat and heat.!!!

  8. You have great passion in gardening, good job!

  9. Hi there! This is a very interesting blog indeed. anyway, I also love plants and some sort of weeds are abundant in my garden at home too. the first one is what we call "tamling" here in the Philippines. My friend from Cambodia taught me how to saute it and it is a delicious viand. Please check my post here: http://fotobybanlin.tumblr.com/post/44463774479 (this is a link to a personal blog, hope it opens). Anyway I just add some tomatoes and fish sauce and taste really good. The second weed, my mama said she used these plants as purgative when we were still little children and she suspects we had worms in our intestines,, she just roast the seeds and let us eat them.. I think it the common medicinal belief in our side of place.
