Thursday, October 9, 2014

River and boats

Abang Mail was right in highlighting the rising price of lands. He noted rivers and seas however are still open, with no land titles or rather river titles or seas titles .  Everybody can go to rivers and seas, catch fish without having to claim sole ownership.  But fish like anything else is declining in numbers.

On land, farmers  push soil to the limit for higher yield of crops not fully understanding the overall impact on nature. It's the simple approach of sustainability that had been shying away as we flog NATURE hard.  But somewhere else there are people with small boats to catch fish for their own family consumption.  Others may say, they are backward, not ambitious, and definitely cant compete in the big wide world.  These small boat owners wish to catch just enough for today, so rivers and seas are able to rehabilitate, sooth the sorrow and let the fish to live and produce more for tomorrow and days after tomorrow.

small fishing boats, Sungai Sitiawan - pic1

Sungai Sitiawan - pic2

Sungai Sitiawan - pic3

___________bangchik and kakdah___________
my little vegetable garden


  1. this post remind me in to my childhood. When I was a little girl, I could find so many fish on the stream and creek near my granny house. Clear water, so fresh. We could take the fish just by hand, so lovely. But now, no fish... and no clear stream or creek. all have polluted... what a shame...

    1. Thanks Endah Murniyati for sharing your childhood memories, when water so clear, and green so really green. To get back to days before pollutions, there is a need for concerted effort. Community led movements had been successful in many parts of the world, and industries have to chip in a lot....

  2. Sesetengah negara macam Australia ada akta sendiri untuk melindungi hidupan laut mereka agar tidak pupus. Ikan pun ada saiz dan kategori tertentu sahaja yang boleh ditangkap

    1. Kesedaran masih belum tinggi untuk terus menjaga alam semula jadi.

  3. Its sad as just as you said.
    The rich getting greedier..
    and the poor are push to the brink of extinction - just like the wildlife..
    Everything will be soon gone and what is left is just the husk and shells.

    1. Yes James Missier, some animals had gone extinct. Certain race or tribes had gone forever too.... but we can still look after nature within our own little space....

  4. Dulu longkang depan rumah ada beberapa jenis anak ikan air tawar berenang. Sekarang tiada lagi walaupun bayang

    1. Dulu kita andaikan ikan akan terus hidup dalam longkang, sekarang kena fikir dan usaha supaya ikan dapat hidup semula....

  5. macam sedih plk baca last sentence in last phrase tu kak dah...

    1. Kalau ikan boleh cakap dan kita boleh faham..., tentu lagi sedih...
