Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Rearing chickens

We had discussed at length, about rearing chicken. Kakdah seems to agree, but she put down a certain prerequisite. The neighbours must agree, she said.  It's still a plan, as we would soon get into Seri Iskandar HOME.  It's sort of retirement plan, so to speak. It's a long way to go, but it is worth going through things we would do, to fill up space and time.

We had given the tenant ample notice, two months ago, about us wanting to get in middle of December 2014. Last week we paid the tenant a visit. Yes they found a new house to rent nearby. Saiful mentioned about a mango tree that had to go..., the roots had meandered too far. He works with Petronas.

We had gone through chicken rearing way back in 1983 - 1986. That was while we were staying in Ipoh. What a lovely experience that was. So many eggs collected, and so many home grown chicken ended as most delicious dish. Neighbours had fair share too......  I can still remember the look of that chicken coop, a simple 5x3 house, and surrounded by fishing net. Chickens had a space of 15 feet square to roam about. And at times we open up to let them free..... Over in Ipoh, the space was big, half an acre compound.

Seri Iskandar Home is small.... space is limited. There is one neighbour on the right, none on the left and back. So only one person need to give his approval to our adventure. I suppose if the number of chicken is kept to a certain number, and if cleanliness is priority number one, no weird odour going round the air, No one would mind. Give aways in form of eggs and chicken meat would make it more agreeable, a a true community consent to benefitial activity.

I wonder if Majlis Perbandaran (Town Council) would allow such activity.....

bangchik and kakdah
my little vegetable garden


  1. Salam Bangchik and Kakdah,

    I was thinking to have a small chicken coop too! Tapi kan mana lah nak sumbat even though rumah tu corner lot tapi there's no place anymore. *crying*

    1. Chicken will add colour and sound to the garden...... of course it cannot be too many, a good family with a cock, two or three hens would be good enough to start with... a small coop, portable type would be pleasing.... our seri iskandar home can definitely accommodate a decent family of chickens...

  2. As Salam Kak Dah and Bangchik;
    Rearing chicken? Waaah.. seems interesting plan...wish kak dah gud luck...

    1. Thanks....... still at planning stage. still long way to go before settle down in seri iskandar.

  3. kak bestnya, tak sabar nak tgk projek akak:):)

    1. thanks..... lambat lagi. peringkat awal hajat nak tanam betik dulu, dengan teknik "tanam dan tinggal".... mujur kalu dapat jengah sebulan sekali.

  4. Oohhh..taman kak lah yang paling advance..jangan kata ayam, kambing ada, lembu pun ada diaorang bela dan sikit pun tak heran perasaan dan masalah yang kami dapat. Yang paling merana kakak lah sebab pokok bunga banyak...

    1. Memang, kalau nak pelihara ayam kawasan perumahan kena kepung baik2. Rumah di Seri Iskandar, ruangnya cukup, dan la ni lot kanan dan belakang masih kosong tak berumah. Lot kiri saja yang ada rumah, dan jiran tu pun macam2 juga hobinya :- pokok, ikan dan burung.

  5. rearing chicken? That's good idea!

    1. Yup..., rearing chickens is like having a biological alarm clock every morning....... hehe. No one would complain.....
