Friday, October 21, 2016

Garden stakes, where do we get them?

I had used coconut husk as vegetable garden borders while gardening at Presint 14 years ago.  Now I am using wooden sticks to mark or put border where the seedlings are, to avoid trampling on them, and to discourage cats from pooing over the tiny plants. Living in urban place like Putrajaya, wooden sticks are not easy to find.  
Perennials like senduduk can offer reasonably good sticks, and in fact senduduk can live through a couple of prunings. I had used senduduk sticks while staying in Presint 14, from year 2008 to 2010. This time around, I make full use of pokok petai belalang ( leucaena ).  These leucaena trees which grow so fast, reaching a height of 12 feet within a year,  require regular pruning  to keep them at manageable height. The leaves will become mulching materials, and the branches suitable as stakes. There are five leucaena trees in my backyard garden right now.

leucaena branches as stakes

ulam raja seedlings visible among weeds.

Its good to have perennials and trees in the garden that can provide garden stakes.

bangchik and kakdah
Putrajaya Backyard Garden

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