Wednesday, March 8, 2017

golden banana - pisang emas

We put our self into groups we call race,where as  for banana and other fauna we call variety. Pisang tanduk is a variety that produce the longest banana, sometimes reaching a foot long. Pisang emas is almost the opposite, small yet sweet.

I am yet to see how pisang emas will end up in our garden. Its Zila again, giving 5 pisang emas seedlings a few monts back.  I wonder if I will be able to see them fruiting, because by October this year, we will shift to our retirement home in Seri Iskandar.  Zila did mention about pisang emas requiring 9 months to mature.

pic 1: Banana has its own unique way of opening up new shoot

pic 2: Pisang emas

pic3: Pisang emas, young shoot with light  brown colour.
It will slowly turn green as days pass by
Pic 4: Pisang emas, light pinkish brown along stalks and stem

pic 5: This is pisang tanduk,  more greenish.

_________bangchik and kakdah_________

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