Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My favorite tree, Pulai

It was still early in the morning when I took these photos, therefore the long shadows.... The place is on the other side of of our housing area, within one of the many green lungs of Putrajaya. Pulai is an interesting tree, due to the shape of its leaves and the canopy. I really have to find a solitary tree somewhere to snap from all angles. Then I can post them later for clearer view of my favorite tree, PULAI. But for now, these photos are adequate for general appreciation.

Pulai has soft wood and good for carving.

one pulai tree
the one with dark trunk

the surroundings

the long shadows

the leaves

the leaves


  1. I never seen a tree like that before. You always treat us to such interesting photos! -Jackie

  2. Interesting tree! Do you carve wood? The leaves on this tree look like a Schefflera, a plant we have as a houseplant.

  3. I love the shadows. What a beautiful tree and gorgeous photos.

  4. That is so lovely and peaceful! Thank you so much for showing us your part of the world.

  5. This tree look majestic. Btw, you explained the taste of bitter gourd and apple taste very well. TQ!

  6. > Ellie Mae's Cottage
    > Janet

    They have this pulai trees planted in certain section of the highway in rows. Very neat.
    I dont do carving and how I wish I have the time, patience and creativity to carve.. I saw one Pulai tree reaching 150 ft at Belum Forest recently.

  7. > Red Studio
    > June

    Shadows are nice because we freeze the moment and put them in photos. Ordinarily we see shadows as being too ordinary to capture our attention.

  8. > Stephanie

    Thanks. Yes Pulai is majestic... in fact most big trees are.

    About gourd juice, I never taste it yet... I have tasted "air jus labu kundur"... a different gourd and that is not bitter!

  9. I like trying to catch shadows in photos too. I like yours. I also love the former post. The rainbow is very nice. Your prime minister's office is a beautiful photo. I can just imagine being on awestruck tourist on vacation in Malaysia. I never imagined that blogging could help experience what others see and do around the world. Thank you.

  10. > mlc

    I agree with you how blogging and be with blotanical really support and share regional diversity.. cheers!

  11. Bangchik, thank you for the photos. We own a landscaping and garden business in Thailand, was wondering if you would like to link exchange:


    Thank you, Ben

  12. > Ben..

    Thanks for the visit and comment. Oh, so you are involved in landscaping and garden business. That is something I wish I could get involved in years ago ... But in the end, gardening remains as my passion!!...

    ~ bangchik
