Monday, May 18, 2009

Prime Minister's Office

Sunday is always a day to recover, and be fresh for the week to come. There are usual things to do like marketing, a little bit of gardening to catch up with plants, and going out. So yesterday, at about 6.30 pm we drove to Kelab Tasik Putrajaya. A very nice place. The view of Prime Minister's Office was magnificient, and somehow rainbow appeared over the horizon. We walked to the edge of the lake, drowned ourselves with the view and headed for the clubhouse for a drink. By the time the sun had dissappeared, we finished the dayout and headed home... Me and Kakdah....

Prime Ministers Office

Putrajaya Mosque

the rainbow

the rainbow

The Palace
look at the tall flag post!



Prime Minister's Office
viewed from the clubhouse

another view

we had strawberry milkshakes to cool off..

majestic view
when the sun has gone down
and we were about to leave.


  1. Hi B&K, I love the reflection of the Mosque in the water! And amazing there's very little people that unusual? You've really captured the beauty, especially the!


    Have a look here and maybe you understand more.
    So I make something for you and you will have this on the blog and make somethning for 3 other person-
    please let me know if you want to do it.

    I have been away from Sweden in Tunisia in Africa so I have not been on the Inter-net for a while.

    It seem like you had a good visit and nice with the same buildning at night.

    /Maria Berg

  3. > Lynn....

    It was a bit late to sit around the lake and crowd had reduced the number about sunset... The crowd swells whenever there is a semester break for schools, with crowd from all corners of Malaysia... Yes, reflection and rainbow is always beautiful.

  4. > Maria

    Thanks for dropping and commenting.. I am sure you had a wonderful time in Tunisia..

    I have visited your blog, and I thought it was a good gesture on this award thing.., and about connecting people from all over. I am in!!... But I am not too sure what to do next.. By the way I never participate in this adventure [award], what the heck, take me in and I give a shot.


    ~ bangchik

  5. Hi,

    It will bee fun. You send me your adress at alltkangronska @ (no free space) and it is only me thar can see the mail.)

    And I send you a gift - then you write on your blog and you send a gift to sombody eles.


  6. > Maria.., I will email the required info.

  7. I love the lighting in these photos. It's so warm and glowing.

  8. > JGH ... These photos were taken starting 6.30pm right up to just before 7.30pm, by then the sun had gone down. The weather was hot then, without rain for a week or so, and there was a slight and scattered drizzle, thus the rainbow... So the lighting in these photos is due to these factors.... natural light and no flash!!
