Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sunset through papaya leaves

Coming back from work is always a rush. That part of the day, an hour or so before dark is so precious for my regular watering, and garden check. After watering, I angled the camera towards the sun and snapped. The two short papayas were in the way ......

The weather was hazy...


  1. Nice shots Bangchik! How is your weekend so far? Today is super hot here in PJ. I hope this is not the case in Putrajaya.

  2. > Stephanie
    A slight drizzle in the morning.., not enough to satisfy the thirst of grass. Then it gets hotter ... but still tolerable steph. Oh.., I crave for a good ice cream.
    ~ bangchik

  3. I have chopped down my papaya tree which got too "old". Replacement is yet to be planted.

  4. I can almost smell the spices in the air. Such a lovely shot. Plus, I've never seen papaya tree. Actually, I don't think I've ever bought a papaya, now that I think about it.. hmmmm...

  5. Very beautiful sunset! I'm thinking of papaya salad, papaya ice cream, papaya milkshake, mmmmmmm....lucky you, I need to get a papaya from the grocery store :D

  6. > Janet
    > rainfield61

    Thanks Janet.
    But how would you determine old age for papaya, Rainfield?.. barren not producing any more?, too high to pluck the papayas, roots too far out?, branching out?.. the producing papaya plant in my plot is almost to the upstairs window.., it is tall indeed, but not too old yet I guess.
    ~ bangchik

  7. > Beegirl
    > vuejardin

    We keep them fully ripe and eat fresh. We also take them half ripe for lovely salad. Sometimes Kakdah cook "masak lemak", a local delicacy.

    You better get one beegirl and vuejardin before you forget about it... haha.

    ~ bangchik

  8. Lovely photo. My Papaya seedlings are going to need potting on soon.

  9. > Joanne
    Do share with us, hows your papaya faring... I hope yours will grow strong and healthy!!..
    ~ bangchik

  10. 1. The papaya fruits getting smaller and smaller.
    2. The tree grew so tall for me to pluck.
    3. My wife feared of the shaking tree during blowing of strong wind.

  11. > rainfield61
    So you have enough reasons to let the plant go.... a friend blogger recently mentioned about her dead chicken going to chicken heaven..

    I stop at Tanjung Malim recently on the old road. Not far from the petrol station Petronas I think, there is a workshop [a bengkel kereta]. Where they dump their old tyres, exhaust pipes, etc etc.., a papaya plant grow so healthy that it branches into 5 stems, all bearing fruits. Such a sight. You may want to cut yours halfway, and see if it will branch out!!!

    ~ bangchik
