Sunday, October 18, 2009

The fate of the tangled third banana.

tangled up banana releasing itself.

crumpled and dried up portion of the leaf

the flower and the little fruits

I was sharing here about the third banana got tangled up with the leaf sometime ago [The third banana get entangled.] They break free now, and I don't investigate further why they got tangled up in the first place..... Yea, when a solution is arrived at, there is no point to probe further why the problem appear in the first place.....  as the  Beatles has been singing away "Let it be... let it be.... let it be..."

But I did notice the crumpled and dried up portion of the leaf that has been holding up banana flowers and fruits for a week or so. Possibly the leaf tried to have a feel what being pregnant is all about?.... huh!

Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. A banana fresh from the tree -How neat -
    such good pictures

  2. We were just oohing and ahhing over the cuteness of those baby bananas, my daughter and I.

  3. I have never seen tiny bananas or even seen them on a tree. I bet they are so delicious. Alot better than our grocery store ones I am sure!

  4. I enlarged the last picture and said Wow!

  5. Bangchik I like your philosophic approach to gardening.

  6. Do you have your way to feel pregnancy? It is good to be shared.. lol!!!

  7. That's quite of lot of combs of bananas bursting out from one stem! Could it have been the work of strong winds causing banana leaves to tangle?

  8. Ah, now I know how bananas look like before I eat them!

  9. Did your banana plant attract any yellow birds?

  10. It's the work of Mother Nature working things out for herself. Looks like you're going to get a bumper crop.

  11. The flower is so big but the fruit so small. Ok la... sooner or later the tree probably get used to it and will untangle itself much sooner. So, let it be... cool!:-D


    Those living in tropical areas, will find banana somewhat too common to attract attention. Most houses in rural areas have banana as standard plant at the back of the house. The leaves are useful for wrapping. Nasi lemak (rice boiled with coconut milk) is so aromatic wrapped in banana leaves. Lemang and fried fish require banana leaves for extra flavour!. Of course banana as fruits are nutritious. The flower, the red bulky tip can be cut off for excellent salad. We boil it first.

    I have not seen birds crowding over banana plant at the moment. They normally pay the plant a visit whenever the banana is almost yellow and ripe!

    In the old days, when life was a lot easier and cheap, people used banana strings. They come from dried strips of the stem. In some part of the country, the central columnar portion of the stem (in fact the baby shoots) are cooked with freshwater fish... that is a real delicacy.

    The point raised in this post is about the tangled flower, finally break free. I just thought that the leaf held up the flower to have a feel of pregnancy... of course nature has a lot in store. We know just a bit....

    Putrajaya, Malaysia

  13. We are just about to cut down our beautiful banana plant, which is grown only for the foliage. We did get a very small clump of bananas about 6 or so years ago just prior to the frost. Exciting, but likely an anomaly. Good luck with your harvest.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I very much like your pictures, they are quite artistic in the way you compost the subject. Your banana almost reminds me of the bird of paradise flower. Not sure why -but it does!

    ...had to fix typo, sorry^^

  16. Interesting, Never thought that banana tree goes thru this problem in delivery (hehehe)
    Hope you have a fruitful banana when it ripe for harvest.

  17. DI,

    huh, we really feel the loss when the banana plant has to chopped down. Its big! For such a tall plant, its intriguing that it flowers and bear fruits once, just once in its entire life.

    I can understand banana reminds Ilona of the bird of paradise.... Banana is truly paradise!!

    There are times, not too often, the flower emerge from the middle of the stem which would normally comes out at the top. Whenever it does, the incident will appear in tabloids... Pregnancy for banana is just a jovial and inquisitive approach to look at them.. haha.

    have a nice day
