Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How long do I have to wait?

[bunga matahari]


even the stalk is yellowing


The sunflower must have a very stiff neck now, for not being able to follow closely the path taken by the sun. It used to be very responsive and possessive  if I may say, never allow the sun out of its sight. Some of us may know why sunflower has to exhibit such behaviour when the flower is at its prettiest.

Now it is getting much older, with stiff neck and wrinkles. The leaves are yellowing..., the remnants of stigma are browning fast. And I saw one or two ants making regular trips up there, and I wonder why....

I wonder when the seeds will mature.. Do I have  to wait until the seeds dry up there or cut the old flower and dry out myself?....

 How long do I have to wait?

Have a nice day,
Putrajaya, MALAYSIA


  1. Wonderful pictures and post.

  2. Just think of all those seeds for feeding the birds and saving for next years plants.

  3. Congratulations on your Blotanical award.

    Your blog is featured on my online, garden tv talk show, Garden World Report. We did a special show this week, "Garden Book and Blog Awards."

    Please watch and share the link with your friends. The video player also can be embedded in a blog post and their is a share button to help get the word out.



  4. kind of like me. . . stiff neck and wrinkled!

    I'm waiting for a coneflower's seeds to mature - it seems to be taking forever! I hope they mature before we have frost.

  5. Keep watching it. It will mature, unless you want to be sure and get all the seeds. Then, I'd cut the head and put it in a paper bag to catch the seeds as they mature. You can then put out some for the birds, if you want to.

  6. what a bittersweet telling of the sunflower.

  7. Sorry to note that the sunflower seemed to be disobey the sun. Hope they will ripe faster for the seeds. Then again, are you sure you want to plant from a unhealthy flower - did it fully bloomed with petals and all or is that it?

  8. If the waiting is so, semenet is forever.

  9. lovely pictures. I think wait and let them dry and then collect. At least that is what i do with my gaillardia.

  10. How big is this sunflower? Hope you'll post pictures of sunflower dissection and seeds if any :)
    I tried couple times using purchased seeds, can't seem to grow beyond seedlings phase.

  11. I think they mature better if you let them stay where they are. Sometimes they wont if we cut the stalk of and dry them ourselves.

  12. I too sympathise with the stiff neck as I have one at the moment. Too much time spent on the computer I expect.

  13. easygardener, LOL! many of us would have the same complaint of stiff necks!! can't rub any medication on the plant but we sure can do with some!!! happy gardening, everyone.

  14. Thanks everyone for the comments. Thanks too to Shirley for featuring this blog on the show.

