Friday, January 29, 2010

The tiny dangling flower.

Many has written about this plant in Blotanical world. They look so good at full bloom, but equally interesting at slightly earlier stage. They dangle sweetly.....



  1. I love flowers that dangle and the pale lavender color is so beautiful.

  2. Bangchik can you let me know what the flower is sometime - it looks ever so delicate. I can't wait for you to take a photo of it in full bloom! Hope Bilbo is doing well. Rosie

  3. Pretty colour and looks delicate with its still closed petals. Does it only open at a certain time in the day, like the four o'clock plant? I can not guess its name!

  4. ...Look so much like those Oxalis flowers, but who knows - you will able to pull out a beautiful flower just from plain sight and expose its beauty...
    As to say,
    Is that the flower that grows wildly at my backyard?
    How did I miss that?"

  5. Yup so delicate... flowers that drops like this is surely some delicate type. Moreover the colour light purple makes it look even 'softer'. Handle with care :-D

  6. Kenapa x letak picture of full plant sekali, mesti saya kenal pokoknya.. :)

  7. superbly stunning, Banchik. nice photo!

  8. Thanks everyone.... My knowledge about flowers is a little bit limited. I didn't put the name of the flowering plant on purpose, more of my limited botanical vocabulary. The leaves are purple in colour and open up almost like butterflies... Most grow this plant in pots.

    I put up this post just to share how flowers are beautiful through the cycle.....

    Cheers, Happy Gardening.
    ~bangchik and kakdah
    putrajaya, malaysia.
