Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Red Radish Roots Bulging

the bulging root fully exposed

partly hidden.

The bulge almost hidden.

I have been waiting for this, to actually see with my own eyes, Radish roots taking the new shape.  It was only a couple of weeks ago that I did a post on Radish.   Is this radish? on February 6, 2010 and then followed  by  How's radish from Sweden? on February 23, 2010. How quick these radishes grow.. Now they are taking the new shape well, rounding themselves into nice red bulge. It was really red a few days ago but with the current hot spell, the red is turning dull a little bit and the skin is wrinkling...

Yesterday Kakdah showed the plants to the neighbour, Noor,. Then there were ah and uh, as both were expressing their surprise and delight on seeing new plants, not normally grown in this part of the world. I was busy watering the many plants in the garden then, but I did see Kakdah cut two deep purple eggplants and gave them to Noor as parting gesture. I am sure she will do the same with radishes. We can only consume so much, and beyond it, is excess...

Both of us were discussing about Radishes. We are going to pull them out 
on Wednesday for a special menu!!... I am sure Gittan will be glad to see seeds from Sweden turn to red bulge and end up on dinner plates..
Thanks Gittan...

~ bangchik 

Malaysia: Hot and dry weather update
The hot and dry weather in Malaysia is expected to persist until April, the Meteorological Department said. The phenomenon, which is caused by the El-Nino in central Pacific Ocean, is expected to ease gradually from May.
The department said in a statement Tuesday that during the inter-monsoon season in April, the rainfall in the peninsula and in northern Sarawak would gradually return to normal.
The weather in Sabah is expected to return to normal in May.
The department said Malaysia was now in the final phase of the northeast monsoon, hence the warmer and drier weather, with temperature of between 34 and 36 degrees Celsius.

The sun's movement, which passes directly over the Equator also contributed to the hot and dry condition and this was compounded further by the El-Nino phenomenon in the central Pacific Ocean and the lack of rain in the country.
. Bernama


  1. Radish don't take long at all to grow. Don't leave it too long to pull them up otherwise they turn woody.

  2. Congratulations on your first radishes! They like cool weather, and can turn spicy if the weather is warm. Someone posted recently about using young radish' greens in salads.
    Happy March to you!

  3. They have done really well, and quickly. Enjoy them soon!

    Jeanne x

  4. Jo
    Cottage Garden

    Thanks. The fun that goes with attempting new plants is the anxiety. Knowing that this particular plant is rather foreign here adds to the fun. Like germinating seeds, we keep looking if the seeds coats has opened, and the roots and the first shoot.

    The expectation, anticipation and the anxiety are little spices that make life and gardening worth going through. Then we end the long wait by counting the blessings.

    We have planted radishes in stages. This post is for the first batch, later batches are waiting at a week interval with an average of eight plants per batch.

    As suggested by Tatyana, now Kakdah is very keen to use the young radish greens in salads over the weekend.


  5. Yum, Enjoy them when they are young crisp and juicy.

  6. Oh they have really grown quickly with your exceptional weather. Enjoy them and I hope you have enough seeds for another sowing.

  7. Happy day to pick those pretty red radish! Let us know how they taste...

  8. Melanie ... Kakdah wants them to be pull out on Wednesday, and test them out with her own menu for dinner. I will tell you soon.

    Rosie ... We still have many seeds left. I will let a few plants to grow to the end just for the seeds, to have stock of our own, Malaysian products!

    Skeeter ... I will make a special post for that.


  9. Small world, you have seeds from Sweden, growing already outdoors...

  10. Trädgårdsmakare Hillevissan .. in fact the earth is just a tiny dot in the big vast universe.

