Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Anniversary with Blotanical ~Bangchik

I wish I had the writing  flair like some of us bloggers to write something memorable about the eleventh of March. It was the date last year, I got myself registered with Blotanical , a gardening directory, when out of  inactivity due to an operation, I went on with the frenzy of gardening and blogging. Gardening is actually a passion that has long been subdued due to time constraint.

A month after getting myself into the community of Blotanical, I did a post titled  Blotanical: A simple analysis on popularity.I tried to be very objective about gardening, blogging and Blotanical. Here is an extract of that post:

1. Why join Blotanical?
Early Mac 2009 was a non productive period in my life. I spent 3 days in Hospital Putrajaya, Malaysia for an operation. On the day of discharge, Doctor Hari, an extremely nice guy with excessive professional demeanour slipped a 2 week medical certificate into my hands. So I was expected to recuperate at home barred from going to work for two weeks! Yes I enjoyed the brief moments as I peep through the side window checking from far how my garden and plants faring during my absence. Yes, Kakdah had extended her help tending to my needs and the plants as well. The kids were away crowding only during weekends.

Then to rekindle the passionate bond with gardening, the idea of creating a blog arised . I bumped into two local blogs, by Lili of Blossom and FJL of Blog Garden, and it was much of Lili’s remark that I decided to join Blotanical. For Lili to be given a red star, I guess she very much deserved it…Click for more 

2. Blotanical Little Yearly Glamour.
Interestingly, I bumped into the unexpected Blotanical glamour of being tagged in 2009 as The Best Vegetable Gardening Blog, The Best Asian Blog, The Newcomer Blog of The Year third place, Blotanist of The Year second place. [click here]  I have said thank you very much to friends, gardeners, bloggers and blotanist who clicked on Bangchik and My Little Vegetable Garden blog as Nomination and Voting process went on.

3. A present from My Little Vegetable Garden.
I love to end this short post by saying thank you to Stuart for his enthusiasm to keep Blotanical alive, friends who keep visiting and commenting,  to Kakdah for her patience and passion in gardening adventure, to neighbours and friends who continuously open their hands and hearts as we offer them the fruits of gardening labour. We are counting blessings and do appreciate what God has in store out of gardening, playing with dirt, weather and nature. The pictures of our tomato progress replicate this happy feeling.....

the first to appear

the little yellow flowers

the abundance

the latest appearance.

Thanks everyone 

~Bangchik and Kakdah
My little vegetable garden
Putrajaya, Malaysia.


  1. Bangchik ~ Your post inspires me to at least give tomatoes and a couple of other things a try. Congrats on your first year anniversary with Blotanical. It is a great community, filled with lots of creative, and inspiring blogs.


  2. Dear Bangchik, My very warmest wishes to you on the first anniversary of your weblog.

  3. Happy Anniversary to you, Bangchik! Your blog is so well loved because your sweet personality shines through! You deserve all of your awards, and I'm sure there's even more to come for you. Congratulations on a wonderful year, and on many more to come!

  4. Bangchik, It is because of gardeners like you and Kakdah that Blotanical is what it is! And Stuart's hard work of course! Happy Anniversary! Your first tomato photo is beautiful and is similar to our community which is swelling every day! ;>) Carol

  5. Congrats on your Blogiversary Bangchik. It has been a pleasure reading your postings and watching your garden grow.And all of those wonderful nature pictures. Thanks for sharing with us.

  6. There should be awards for this. Or at least cake.

  7. Congratulations on your Blotanical blogging anniversary. I have enjoyed reading your blog!

  8. Congratulations on your first year with Blotanical. I too am looking forward to this in a couple of days. You have such a terrific blog, and every so inspiring. Thank you for sharing part of your life with us.

  9. Happy One Year Blotanical Anniversary. Thank you for being so friendly and welcoming to everyone!

  10. many returns of the day dear Bangchik! Happy anniversary

  11. Congratulations! Happy anniversary. I look often but post seldom. Your blog is lovely.

  12. Wonderful post, happy anniversary! I agree, there should be cake.

  13. Bancik, congrats! on your first anniversary and I so much enjoyed reading this post. I love your blog and the sweetness and color that surrounds it.

  14. Happy Anniversary! You have made such a wonderful mark on Blotanical. Your tomatoes look wonderful :^)

  15. So glad you're still blogging, Bangchik!

  16. Hi Bangchik and Happy First Anniversary!
    Those tomatoes will have overtaken mine within a week - shows what an expert gardener you are!

  17. Bangchik, here's wishing you a very happy Blotanical Anniversary! I hope to read many more of your posts. Kathy

  18. Congrats on one year with Blotanical! I've really enjoyed watching your garden grow and learning about plants I'd never heard of as well as seeing plants that grow here also growing in your garden.

  19. Happy anniversary! :))

    Blogging gives us a chance to share joys from the garden and other moments in life.
    A lovely thought and a wonderful possibility.

    Malaysia is exotic to me, who is living up North on our planet.

    It is raining here today.
    The snow will disappear soon, I guess - and hope. I can't wait to see Snowdrops and Crocuses... Spring is around the corner here in Norway. :))

  20. Congratulations on your first year with Blotanical Bangchik. I am relatively new to your blog but have enjoyed your garden so far and look forward to watching it grow throughout the coming year. Your blog is very inspiring.

    Your tomatoes are way ahead!


  21. Congratulations on your first anniversary with Blotanical. I enjoy reading your blog, and discovering so many new things. Long may your blogging and gardening continue.

  22. FlowerLady~
    Edith Hope
    Hocking Hills Gardener

    Benjamin Vogt
    Deborah at Kilbourne Grove

    Green Iris
    Rebecca @ In The Garden
    Poetic Shutterbug
    Kim and Victoria

    Cottage Garden


    Thanks.. So far I manage to squeeze in posts on daily basis. Except for a stretch of time when I went off for a trip overseas, end of last year. I cannot guess what's going to happen in months to come.

    One thing for sure , I love gardening, and enjoy Kakdah's company while playing with dirt. Without her around, gardening is less colourful. That make sense when plants also thrive through close proximity with other companions. See, gardening is all about diversity.

    No cakes, just tomatoes!!

    Putrajaya, Malaysia

  23. You are getting one year older....

  24. Happy 1st Blog Anniversary, Bangchik!
    May you have many many more. I am very happy for you and I am proud of you. Malaysia Boleh!

  25. Happy first anniversary with blotanical. I don't remember how long I had been blogging before joining. I'll have to check on that.

    Your tomatoes look nice and healthy.

  26. rainfield61
    Autumn Belle
    Corner Gardener Sue

    Thanks for your your visits and comments. Anniversary is an indication that a year has passed, a year older for the blog, for the garden and for the gardener too, as Rainnie rightly mentioned. Thanks Sue for your encouraging remarks on the tomatoes.

    Since Belle mentioned about Malaysia Boleh, I thought it is worth defining what it actually means.

    MALAYSIA BOLEH is a slogan to raise the spirit of Malaysians made popular during the days of Dr Mahathir who was the Prime Minister during 80's right up to 31st October 2003.

    The phenomenal growth of Malaysia under the leadership of its fourth prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has brought about a patriotic sense of achievement amongst its people.

    The Government has led the way to show that Malaysians can excel in whatever they put their minds to, and this, in no small way, has produced a society that tries to outdo itself (sometimes at ridiculous levels, if truth be told) in the endeavours it pursues.

    Embodying this spirit is the slogan "Malaysia Boleh!" which loosely translated means "Malaysia Can Do It!" How this slogan came to be the "battle cry" of a nation is rather sketchy but the general belief is that it was the slogan used by a health beverage in its marketing campaign in the 80s.

    It caught on and soon cries of Malaysia Boleh! were heard, first only at sporting events like the Commonwealth Games and Thomas Cup Finals, then later everywhere else as it was embraced wholeheartedly by the people as a means to push themselves to endure and accept challenge, to set targets, to excel.

    The "Malaysia Boleh!" spirit has since produced many achievers and achievements, and has been a cornerstone of the success story that is the new Malaysia.

    ~ bangchik
    Putrajaya, Malaysia

  27. Happy first blotanicalversary Bangchik! Happy gardening and happy bloging to you and Kakdah!

  28. Just found you, Bangchik. What a beautiful blog you keep. I live in the freezing Rocky Mountains so visiting you makes me warm up a bit. Thanks!

  29. Tatyana@MySecretGarden ~ Thanks Tatyana, Wishing you have a happy happy Day...

    petunia girl ~ Great, that you found me, then we can connect freezing rocky mountains and hot malaysia...

