Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Playing with cabbage.

Menanam kubis di Malaysia

cabbage seedling

cabbage seedlings
in little pots

7 pots

7 little pots

seeds packets
cabbage in the middle

The date states 28th of February 2010. It was the day both of us went to Bangi PKNS, one of the few shopping complex in Bangi, 10 minutes away. We didn't know there is going to be an exhibition, stalls after stalls of flowering plants, orchids, gardening tools, fertilizers and gardening soil. They were doing flower show in conjunction with the National landscape Day , 3rd of March held every year. So it is going to be a week long show. We hopped around. In the end we bought 3 bags of peat soil, 20kg each, two 2-litre spray bottles,  and seeds. I know, one outing to such show is not enough for Kakdah.

Cabbage is one of the seeds  we bought. 
The very same night, 
I prepared 8 seeding pots. 3 seeds in each. 
Now seven of the healthier ones are retained
as in the photographs.

Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. I tried plant cabbage before.. never knows must plant separate like this 1st... mati semua.. sad..

  2. How fortunate for you to just "happen" upon the flower/plant sale! Your little cabbages look like they'll be tasty!!!

  3. I just love the little seedlings coming up in such a big pot. The pots won't look big for long with the seedlings growing so fast :^)

  4. Bangchik, I miss that fragile magical time of starting plants. These cabbages all look so perky... so happy to be alive and growing. You must have enjoyed the chance attendance of the gardening show. Happy Gardening! Here our snow is melting but any gardening is weeks away. ;>) Carol

  5. Having a national landscape day is a brilliant idea. I wish they'd adopt it here in the United States.

    Christine in Alaska

  6. Hmm.. the seedlings for cabbage is tall? I cannot tell if you didn't say it was a cabbage he he... :-D Sorry I have not seen little cabbage seedlings before. I saw them grown in rows on ground in Cameron Highlands and once in pots in one of the nurseries (one cabbage in one pot). In pots, they look kind of cute too.

  7. Cath J~ I always say, growing plants is an adventure. We put the end in mind before we set out growing them. Cabbage will occupy quite a space. A large pot to one plant is ideal, allowing the plant to grow unhindered. A seedling in a tiny pot is a good approach. It makes transplanting on the ground or in container a lot easier, with minimal damage.

    Kimberly ~ It was quite a "chance" really. How grateful Kakdah is, to get home with load of gardening items. The best part; the tour opened up creative element in both of us, especially Kakdah.

    Noelle ~ It is quite a surprise to see cabbage growing so fast. Those little pots are temporary... yeap they need bigger container to see them developing into big cabbage.


  8. Carol ~ It wont be long before you get yourself all work out for the new gardening season. Ours is yearlong.. !!

    Christine B. ~ The authority did some media blitz work on national landscape day... The focus this year is on landscape/gardening industries...

    Stephanie ~ why don't give cabbage a chance in your garden. First germinate them in little pots, then as the tiny seedlings become stronger place them into large container. One plant in a container. Two or three is enough to give experiential pleasure.


  9. You'll like growing it. You just have to watch for those loopers but the fresh cabbage is the best! Even my teenaged picky eater son eats it.

  10. The slugs got my cabbages last year. All that was left were lacy leaves.

  11. tina ~ Cabbage is a first here. The anticipation of "whats next" is so great. huh.

    Jo ~ Thanks Jo, then I really have to keep slugs and snails at bay.


  12. Looking forward to seeing more updates on these cabbages, BangChik.
