Monday, March 29, 2010

Should I count the number of tomatoes?

1. Tomato
a view from the porch

2. Tomato
a view towards the house

3. The fruits

4. The fruits

5. The fruits

6. The fruits.

7. The fruits.

We were smiling at the sheer number of little tomatoes hanging on all the six tomato plants. 
Then Kakdah posed a question, "should we count  how many of them?....".
I didn't really reply when I said "definitely more than our last attempt."
Kakdah continued watering
as I walked around looking for elements of beauty!

~ bangchik


  1. What variety of tomatoes are you growing? This is the time of year I'm really craving a fresh homegrown one - not the tasteless ones in the grocery store. How long do you think it will take these to ripen?
    Love your cabinet - nice work!

  2. These tomatoes look so fresh and neatly grown. You have also maximize the space that you need for the tomato plants. Nice. :)

  3. You are going to have a bumper crop.

  4. I am growing tomatoes for the first time and hope to someday be as successful as you are with all of your tomatoes :-)

  5. How very lovely, I will also grow some tomatoes this year, I hope they do 1/2 as well as yours. :)

  6. They're doing really well, it won't be long until they start turning red.

  7. JGH ~ the seeds packet doesn't tell much. Just tomato! I cant really tell the variety. May be in a week or two, the fruits will ripen.

    Grasshopper ~ I was temporarily influenced by the french way of gardening. The distance between plants is a bit too close for convenience. But so far so good. I am fully aware of the inability of the roots to travel far..

    Keewee ~ I hope so. I suspect the size will not be big...

    Noelle ~ To grow tomato for the first time, is worth every day of its growth.

    Rebecca @ In The Garden ~ i hope your tomatoes will grow healthily.

    Jo ~ It wont be too long from now. I was busy now pinching the side shoots. I don't want the plants becoming too bushy!

