Thursday, April 29, 2010

Of The Two Basils




white and purple 
side by side

Of the two,
purple is spectacular
with its purple stems
and flowers.

We have both,
each grows healthily
to beat the other.

But their taste
is about the same
and fit well
into kakdah's menu.

Putrajaya, Malaysia 


  1. visiting your plants here:) have a nice day!

  2. The purple is really lovely. What a great garden for a cook (and her family!)

  3. I can smell the aroma of this basil. ;)
    "Kemangi" is part of my late mother ingredient cooking sweet potato and young corn.

  4. I really envy your plants, very healthy!

  5. I love basil. I have sown some 'Genovese' basil and the little seedlings are just popping up and looking OK. I use basil a lot in my cooking - I bet Kakdah has some lovely recipes!


  6. Ive grown both species before..their colours are spectacular when grown side by side

  7. I should be growing basil too. had a plant and something happened:( went to a cooking demo the other day, and the chef says to use thai basil for asian cooking.

  8. teJan ~ a nice day to you too teJan.

    Wendy ~ yea, purple is lovely. These plants are so close to kakdah's kitchen.. 5 long steps away.. (kakdah's steps..)

    AaronVFT ~ i don't know about green thumb. But I do have a fair share of ups and downs. Pests has to live too to complete the so called BIODIVERSITY.

    Tabib ~ Yes, it is kemangi to MOMS.. Kakdah's mother prefers the white flowered basils.


  9. Andrea ~ they look really healthy for now I agree. But they do react to changes in weather. When there is no rain for a week or so, everything seem to shed off a bit of their green colour.

    Cottage Garden ~ I am not too sure about Kakdah's cooking.., but all i can say, its very much like gardening. with ups and downs. When kids are crowding in the house, her cooking is always extraordinary... haha.

    p3chandan ~ thanks for drop puteri. Basils has been with us for almost 3 years. I will make sure to collect seedlings around the plant when they are about to go and relocate somewhere else...

    Keats The Sunshine Girl ~ Their aroma are about the same.., thai or local. So far kakdah is not too choosy. Of course she is not the Chef of grandmaster standard, but she is always the best chef to the kids, the resident chef! .. haha.


  10. heard from someone that the purple one called selasih while the green one called kemangi. great plants there Bangchik.
