Wednesday, April 28, 2010

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: Kakdah's rose flowering.



  1. Beautiful! I like two tones of pink in the bloom.

  2. Roses are my favorite flowers, especially pink ones :-)

  3. It is just so beautiful. Lovely two tones of pink.

  4. So pretty! Smelt the fragrant?

  5. ~Tatyana@MySecretGarden
    ~Rebecca @ In The Garden

    Thanks everyone, at least we agree on roses being beautiful especially the pink with tones.

    But a simple remark by islandgardener caught me by surprise. That deserves a mention here. A poem for her.

    Come Home!
    by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge

    When wintry winds are no more heard,
    And joy's in every bosom,
    When summer sings in every bird,
    And shines in every blossom,
    When happy twilight hours are long,
    Come home, my love, and think no wrong!

    When berries gleam above the stream
    And half the fields are yellow,
    Come back to me, my joyous dream,
    The world hath not thy fellow!
    And I will make thee Queen among
    The Queens of summer and of song.

    putrajaya malaysia

  6. ~Hocking Hills Gardener
    ~Curbstone Valley Farm

    Thanks everyone. Oh, the fragrance is heaven and I wish to get immersed. I dedicate a poem by Fredrick D Terry to all of us.

    The Spirit Called Rose
    © Fredrick D. Terry

    From the legs of an insect I fell,
    And below the surface I dwelled,
    Cramped and dark, yet I know not why,
    Oh how I do wish to see the sky,
    I know I am here for a reason,
    Yet it is not my season...
    To express myself in my greatest form,
    To listen to God's call like solider to horn,
    I've dwelled in the hair of young women and beautiful crones,
    I've dwelled in beautiful gardens and brought luxury to homes,
    My scent is lovely everyone knows,
    For behold, my friend, I am Rose.
    And I am beautiful.


  7. Thank you, Bangchik -- that was beautiful! I won't be so scarce!

  8. ~Window On The Prairie
    They are beautiful with sweet smell. No wonder ladies love them so much.

    ~Kim and Victoria
    Rose, Fredrick D Terry portrayed as beautiful....

    Welcome home, as Mary correctly mentioned.


  9. What a beautiful little rose.

  10. ~Tammy
    Thanks.., I like the way kakdah coming near the roses, hold them and bring near her nose. I can see her smile developing sweetly.
