Friday, August 6, 2010

a tale of kale

four pots alongside the house
the picture was taken on a hot sunny noon. The cages were placed on top, to discourage cats from enjoying their poo-time right on the soil. The pots had earlier nurtured the stages of growth for cabbages.

Nine kale seedlings on raised bed on a hot sunny noon. 
Too small to see them, but the shadow of the photographer is big. Is that bangchik?

close-up of Kale
coming to the fourth leaf

another little kale

These are known as kale or kailan, the bluish green leafy vegetables. We grew these few years back. The plant is quite hardy and is able to withstand the hot noons. From the past experience, kale or kailan takes longer time to mature, more than pak choy. But within two months, dinner can be planned with kale as star-menu.

Rains are shying away these few weeks, leaving the ground dry and dry. So watering has to be the standard; twice daily, morning and evening...... The seedlings are now getting used to the new environment after transplanting. The roots will surge and grip hard to provide stronger foundation for bigger and heavier weight at the top. For now, I expect pests to leave kailan or kale alone.......




  1. I've had the big black grasshoppers eating in my flowers. Just have to catch them and smash them.

  2. Bangchik, Why do you expect pests to leave them alone? You get what you wish for? Teach me some tricks. Too many holes in my vege.

  3. I like the shadow, and the little cages. :)

  4. bangchik.. sorry coz crashed into this posting. I've been looking for roselle seed for quite some time. kalau tak keberatan, bole kita barter-trade seeds or cuttings?

  5. Marilyn jones
    Most grasshoppers here go after leafy vegetables.....

    Kale or kailan is different.., somehow grasshoppers leave them alone. Awful taste probably..

    Weather is hot lately, cloudy but no rain. Thanks..


  6. Mi.
    There are roselle seeds available. Tak banyak sangat. I can still give a few, and please leave your address here,

  7. Over here, just two days ago it was super hot. The next day, the clouds came back... hmm... for the sake of my plants I think it is better to have sunny days. So, since kale likes the sun, I hope more sunny days for you also... and the star-menu to follow soon :-D

  8. Steph.
    Yes the sky is cloudy, but rain seems to fall somewhere else.

  9. Salam..bangchick..Kalilan ni boleh direct tanam atas tanah ke?or kena seedling dulu dlm pasu pastu transfer ke atas tanah?

    Dua-dua cara boleh. Semai dalam pasu dulu, macam babysit la. Seedling mudah tumbuh macam tu...
