Thursday, September 2, 2010

coming to terms with Parsley

Germinating parsley is quite a challenge. I expect them to emerge after 3 or 4 weeks as mentioned in most guides including this  (How to grow Parsley). The seeds from Maryland are quite impatient and curious lots, They pop out of the  hard seed coat after 12 days. Within a week, the true third leaf is beginning to show what a parsley really is. I have to admit, this is our first success at germinating parsley. I am not going to elaborate the series of failures that we had gone through.

At the end, coming to terms with parsley is all it needs. The seeds need to be soaked for a night, then put them in potting soil. Now what I am going to do with so many seedlings?

the third leaf,
showing parsely in form and spirit. 
The seed coat still attached at the end of the leaf. 
parsley seedling

an assembly of parsley seedlings

 the whole assembly of ten seedlings



  1. Looking good. I have to soak some seeds because the seeds are old or thick. Glad you found the solution.

  2. Your seedlings look great! I could use some of that parsley...I make a dip/spread of smoked salmon and cream cheese rolled in parsley. It's a favorite of my friends so I must bring it to every party we attend. I'd use that parsley right up! I'll have to send you the recipe, if you enjoy salmon.

  3. How lovely when seeds exceed expectation. It looks like you will have a lot of parsley to enjoy. :)

  4. Is it flat leaved or curled parsley. The curled makes a lovely edible border plant.

  5. You have the intelligence to grow a Parsley plant; you have the intelligence to appreciate nature;

    Happy day to you.

  6. Just when I had got my parsley seedlings to this stage the puppy got at the seed tray. ggggggggrh

  7. Patsi 'Garden Endeavors'
    Soaking seeds is something I never do before with parsley. Now i really come to their terms...

    Thanks for sharing. I enjoy salmon too but the fish is rare here and an imported item.

    I fail before because i treat them the same as other veggie seeds.

    Green lane allotment
    I cant tell that yet..

    I wouldn't say intelligence as being the moving factor in germinating them... nearest would be understanding their needs, or coming to terms..

    They remain very green sweet smelling plants..

    sometimes they pee at the tender seedlings...!

    Cheers, ~bangchik
