Friday, September 3, 2010

Oncidium cebolleta orchid, like pop corns

Oncidium cebolleta orchids.
The orchids has been with us for almost two years. They were in 3 pots. Then one of them decides to bloom earlier than the rest. That particular one is placed nearer to the edge of porch, therefore enjoying abundance of sunlight and warmth. The other two which stay further in the porch, remain cool and just watch at the blooming fiesta! The lips and callus are very much irregular in shape, and at a glance, resemble flattened yellow pop corns!!

yellow orchids

 yellow orchids

 just two weeks ago.

The stalk is long almost 2 feet protruding out towards the sunny area.



  1. One of my favorite Orchids, I have around forty different varieties in the greenhouse and conservatory.

  2. Nice dainty orchids! I plan to grow more orchids myself-particularly the cymbidium.

  3. Lovely yellow Orchid!
    I never grown an Orchid before. The nursery guy told me that Orchid need a lot of attention so i decided not to kill any.... ;-)

  4. Hi Bangchik, I used to grow these dancing orchids but they must have tasted quite good cos my dog chewed it up.

  5. Somehow I find that this is the best blooming type. My mum got 4 pots and forever blooming non-stop.

  6. This is an orchid seldon seen here, very pretty.

  7. Used to find these orchids everywhere, now I couldn't even find it in the nurseries. Need to visit Sg. Buloh! I love the colour of the dancing ladies.

  8. i have one clump of ths orchid which i tied around a branch of dried rubber tree. non stop flowering..:))

  9. Orchids are beautiful flowers, but they were too shy to show face when my wife used to grow them last time.

  10. Thanks everyone. Some of us are real expert in orchids. I dont at least for now.

    We have orchids hanging at the front porch on horizontal bamboo. They do have adequate sunlight to enjoy. But there is no real indication if flowerings have specific blooming time... or probably they are just like any other plants, they have to reach maturity to start off blooming fiesta. So while our knowledge on orchids is still limited, any flowering comes with great surprise!

