Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a glimpse at container gardening

 Three crude plastic container housing kale 
at varying stage of growth

 a close-up of kale in 
plastic containers

 I can offer three benefits of container gardening. 
its flexibility, a chance to get away from the traditional vegetable bed on the ground. Containers can come in various sizes, small and big. Some can be hanged too, and some can be placed indoor. We can do experiment with plants easier, in fact container gardening offers opportunity to study and observe closely. Arranging them to our liking is easy. We can redo and redo, to suit the age of plants, blooming time etc. In my case, I can even try cooking oil plastic container, to gear up the recycling drive. 

containers offer mobility. We can just shift them around to our needs, space available, the right amount of light exposure. As the seasons change, we can easily do re-potting or replanting to brighten up the place.

the control on pest problem is very beneficial. Most pests will not venture close to the house. Pests treat open space of the garden and lawn as their playground. Putting containers away from pests playing field will increase the chance of plants to survive pest-free.



  1. Dear Bangchik, I love your clever kale containers. I do quite a bit of container gardening but had not considered some of the benefits you describe. Next year, I will move certain containers near to the house. Excellent posting. Pam

  2. I must agree. Great use for plastic bins. I will be following suit.

  3. Bangchik, You have convinced me to pull my pots back outside. They are sitting in the storeroom. The only problem is that there would be more watering to do. I find that the rain wets the ground but not the pots.

  4. Bangchick,
    Thanks for the benefits on planting veggie in pots. It reminds me that i have more containers can be used for my plants in the store room :)
    Happy week ahead to you.

  5. I couldn't agree with you more! Well said, bangchik!^..^

  6. You turned everything into beauty, Bangchik.

  7. I just love their mobility benefit. I won't have to worry if I made a wrong decision when I just planted a new plant. I can still move it another/preferred spot anytime. Container gardening is fun!

  8. That's a good way to re-use the plastic containers! Brilliant!

  9. I got lots of plastic container waiting to be send to the recycle bin, maybe I should just send them to you!

  10. ~Pam's English Garden
    Yes, worth putting vegetables closer to the house. You can walk a few steps and pick a few for lunch, without stepping on the dirt.

    ~Luis Tobon
    Recycling is the driving factor.

    During rainy season, those in pots near to the house survive better than on vegetable bed.


    Growing vegetables on bed is the ultimate of vegetable gardening. But pots offer flexibility, mobility and creativity..

  11. ----------------
    kitchen flavours

    Thanks everyone. Little recycled plastic containers would probably be practical for home vegetable gardening, where the focus is on leaves and fruits. For ornamental plants, they may be out of place. The beauty of plants would be reduced by the sight of cooking oil plastic containers.

    Jama, please don't send plastic containers here, what we are having is enough to play around with vegetable gardening.. haha.

    happy gardening, cheers
    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Putrajaya Malaysia
