Monday, September 27, 2010

The whiteness of white

chive flower, earlier

chive flower, 2 days ago

chive flower today

white rain lily

white rain lily

white periwinkle

close-up of white periwinkle

 Serene would probably be the best word to describe the inner beauty of white.



  1. Is that a garlic chive as our chive flowers are purple?

  2. So pretty, and I have those blooming in my garden also. Do you use the seeds in cooking? Someone mentioned that to me one day.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  3. Pretty whites. I have lots of white in my garden. I'm just so drawn to it.

  4. Nice whites! I like white flowers.
    Happy Monday.. and thanks for dropping by my page :)

  5. Beautiful. If I could only have one colour of bloom, it would be the cool, calm white. Lovely pictures.

  6. Hope my chives will grow just like yours, with flowers too! Yes, white is really beautiful.

  7. Everything white today taken from interesting angles. My kangkung flowers are also white.

  8. Glad you post the chives flower picture. Our chives will have to wait a long time to flower yet.

  9. Lovely pics. The only white flowers blooming in my garden is the cat's whiskers. The white ixora is taking a break.

  10. So beautiful and I love the white rain lily, these are lovely photos.

  11. Green Lane Allotments ~ yes, garlic chive.

    Muddy Boot Dreams ~ Kakdah fried leaves and buds only. But not the seeds and matured flowers. Don't know why.

    Marilyn Jones ~ stir fried, soup. With bean sprouts, the plate can very colourful.

    Wendy ~ white is not much of a colour, but it has a calming effect. I think..

    Milka ~ white is nice, just like milk.

    Rebecca ~ White represents whatever is pure..

    Kitchen Flavours ~ Chives will flower when age is catching up.

    One ~ Kangkung has beautiful flowers too. Sometime Kakdah adds kangkung to chives and taugeh in her fried menu.

    KMG ~ Chive will flower whenever it feels the urgency. We can in fact induce plants to flower.

    Keats ~ Misai kucing is beautiful to the point of being exotic.

    Poetic ~ rain lily is funny. No matter how much I tried to simulate rains and drizzle with watering, they still react to real rains to bloom.

    cheers everyone.

  12. My family hardly eat chives. But recently I bought chive flowers and stir-fried them. They tasted sweet and yummy.

  13. J.C.
    Chive is nice, stir fried. Chive is an interesting addition to cucur udang..
