Monday, October 4, 2010

Clitoria Ternatea, blue appearing

blue flower: clitoria ternatea

blue flower: clitoria ternatea
blue flower: clitoria ternatea
close-up of blue flower: clitoria ternatea

Flower bud of white clitoria ternatea from the first plant

flower bud of blue clitoria ternatea from the second plant

When the first flower of Clitoria Ternatea appeared as white, I thought the other two plants sharing the same trellis will definitely be white as well. To my surprise, the second plant produce blue flower. Now I am waiting for the third plant to bloom, what colour of flower would the plant display.. The post on Rosiah's garden displayed clitoria ternatea, which is more elaborate than the flowers in my garden. They belong to different varieties I guess.



  1. Surprises in the gardening world. LOL! The blue blooms are so beautiful though. Will the next be white or blue.

  2. It is called "Neelofur" here in Punjab, pakistan. Very pretty shots indeed. But the white color variety is not common here.

  3. So you have that lovely blue too! The white must have been an albino.

  4. The blue is so intense. Rosiah's flower is the double variety of the same.

  5. Hocking Hills Gardener ~ yes, a lot of surprises in store. I hope the next will be blue..

    Muhammad khabbab ~ I am surprised that white variety is rare even in Pakistan. So I am having a rare clitoria ternatea right in my little vegetable garden!

    Meredehuit ♥ ~ Blue is rare for flowers, so they are special.

    One ~ albino?.. could be.

    lotusleaf ~ flower is always about white, yellow, pink, and red. Having blue is a delight. Thanks.

    bangchik and kakdah
    Putrajaya Malaysia

  6. Bunga telang is indeed a treasure to have. We, Nyonyas, love this flower. Used to help my mom when I was small, we pluck the blooms and dried it for making nyonya kuih. My sister has this in her garden, hers is the double petal variety. Your white one is rather pretty!

  7. beautiful bloom.... love the colours!!!

  8. kitchen flavours ~ It is going to be interesting to see white and blue flowers on the same trellis. Oh, kuih nyonya with bunga telang?..

    CathJ ~ thanks, blue is a rare colour. It should be fun.

    Bangchik and kakdah
    Putrajaya Malaysia

  9. This is my favorite color in the garden, very nice.

  10. Doc ~ yes, me too. Blue, such a rare colour in the garden.
