Saturday, November 6, 2010

Memories of Putrajaya little garden.

tomato young plants with 
white electrical conduits as stakes

 sometimes the garden looks neat, sometimes not. 
That coconut husks as edging must have turned many eyes,
as people walk through the walkway, 
because they don't expect anyone can be so crazy 
to bring elements of ruralness 
into urban residential environment.

the first cucumber. 
One can imagine the glorious feeling

 chili and papaya

cabbage head with lovely shine.

Cabbage:  decent harvest out of our first attempt
 pak choy seedlings

two tomato from the same stalk viewed through two stakes

clitoria ternatea

a ripe bitter gourd, and if there is a need 
to register this specific red colour, 
it is alright to call it bitter gourd red!

 ground orchid 
flowering with rich royal colour.

I wish I can put more pictures to summarize the extent of our  little vegetable gardening experience in Putrajaya. I can still click at the archives to see them, and you too dear readers. If my posts help some of you in gardening then I feel so happy. For me these are records over the many months of weeding, germinating, potting, planting,  fertilizing, watering and harvesting. We in fact learn a lot through interactive gardening with eco-system, which is not only about the plants. The soil, the organic matter, the fertilizer, water, weather, snails, slugs, the butterflies, the pests and the sun are as important.

I have been here in Tanah Merah, Kelantan for a week. Time is needed to get things organised in the new place; house, work and the family. So for now, gardening ranks quite low in the priority list , until there is a call from the new garden, crying for attention.




  1. Why are you leaving your garden in Putrajaya Bangchik and why in Tanah Merah, Kelantan? Its difficult to leave a place where you have so many fond memories..good or bad but hopefully you will quickly settle down in your new place and start a brand new garden! All the best to you,Kakdah n family! Hope to hear you soon...

  2. Happy new home and garden Bangchik! These are lovely recounts of your former garden. Beautiful and full of nutrition for your family. So true that our plants depend on the environments they grow in, as well as all the little critters that visit. I wish you all the best of luck in your new life. ;>)

  3. Beautiful post Bangchik. I don't think the coconuts are crazy at all, I think they are sheer genius. I look forward to following along your new adventures.

  4. I look forward to seeing pictures of your new garden...hope your move was/is not too stressful.
    Have always like your use of natural mulch items...:)

  5. I hope your family will settle down ini the new place and your blog on a new garden will start someday in the near future! Great for you to find new plants,flowers,vegetables and fruits in your new garden!

  6. In Tanah Merah, would heads still turn if you use coconut husks as a border? Take your time. The garden will call out to you when you are ready.

  7. Your garden follows you, i hope to see your new garden very soon :)

  8. Wow, I so envy your garden. The plants look good and healthy. In the Philippines we do use coconut husks for garden edging too. Some people paint them so that they look more eye catching.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. It's been raining here since the last two days and can't do any work in my garden. I still got few things to do to get ready my garden for our summer season.

  9. Beautiful photos of your garden! It is very inspiring. I hope the best for you and your new house, I am sure you will have another very lush garden in no time.

  10. Bangchik, I too have fond memories of your little vegetable garden in Putrajaya. My blogging practically grew up at Blotanical and there were many many times we had communicated and encouraged each other in gardening and blogging. I have a feeling your Kelantan garden will be much bigger, then it will have space for fruit trees as well. Meanwhile, I'll patiently wait for your next post.

    What are you going to do with this one in Putrajaya, e.g. leave it to the new owner or clear everything?

  11. I still look back at old pictures of my garden. It is good that you have kept a record of your garden. It is a great learning experience, for you and for us who read your blog. Your morning glory is magnificent!
    Good luck with your new home. May you make many new happy memories there!

  12. Great blue in the clitoria ternatea
    Not sure if I'd like to look at my old garden pics.
    Your's are wonderful.

  13. You have enriched many gardeners' interests. The posts are sweet and helpful.In your hands and those of your wife, another beautiful garden will surely grow :)

  14. your garden looks amazing! Like a spring garden here.

  15. You really have green thumb! I'm looking forward for your new garden in Kelantan!
    Your advices on gardening are valuable to me!

  16. Thanks everyone. Memories are not meant to be forgotten. What we do next, is very much guided from past experience and new thinking too probably. Memories are always there, somewhere tucked in some cells of the brain, but blog allows memories to be visible and we can turn pages of memories at leisure...

    Tanah Merah, Kelantan.
