Saturday, October 30, 2010

cut and come again with kale

kale 1
Cut and Come Again is a technique to harvest again and again, where the plants bounce back and continue to grow and yield additional harvests of delicious produce. But the soil must be healthy to support such energetic growth. I am trying with kale for the moment. 

kale 2

kale 3a

kale 3b

kale 4a

kale 4b

Earlier posts on current kale  
20.8.2010 kale strengthening its stem. 6 leaves
14.8.2010 kale is here  5 leaves
06.8.2010 a tale of kale 3 leaves


  1. Your Kale looks great!
    I was going to try this with onion, but it didn't work, I think i will try again next year

  2. It is a technique worth trying out on a number of leafy vegetables - especially if you want a mixture of leaves.

  3. This is so good to know, as i just planted some kale recently-- previously i pulled em all out, 'sayang'!!

  4. How lovely, your kale looks great!

    Happy Halloween


  5. I was intrigued to see that you grow your kale in pots...since I now rent and have a small patio (with a south easterly exposure)...I hope to grow a veggie or two in pots

  6. Looks great - and with promise of lots more to come!

  7. Kale is very popular in Japan.
    Kale is usually processed into juice,mixed with other vegetable extracts and as mixed vegetable juices in stores.

  8. That's great Bangchik! Cut the germination stage :-D Hope you will have lots of kale!

  9. This makes me want to try growing kale!

  10. Fantastic your kale looks great.

    Have a nice week


  11. I have found that in Spring the brassicas just want to grow - from every orifice! Even a cut cabbage will sprout 5 or 6 new ones if the root is left in the ground. Your Kale looks to be doing the same from a stalk.

  12. delcasmx ~ I dont know much about onions, but chives love to be cut regularly and will grow again with zest.

    easygardener ~ Leafy vegetables will play along with this technique, but they stick to flowering schedule. After a while, cut plants will flower like the uncut plants.

    Milka ~ cut and come again is a helpful technique worth trying.

    TYRA ~ happy halloween to you too.

    Theanne and Baron ~ yes, kale adapt well in pots.

    Wendy ~ it's nice to keep harvesting young leafy vegetables.

    takaeko ~ great. something i dont do regularly, vegetable juice. We are so used to fruit juice. Vegetables mostly end up being fried, or boiled, or eaten fresh as salad.

    Stephanie ~ we cant cling on this technique indefinitely. Come a time, the plant will flower, and that is the end of cut and come again.

    JC ~ give kale a chance in your garden.

    Gunilla ~ thanks and wish you a wondeful day.

    Matron ~ Kale is so energetic!

    Cheers, have a good day everyone.
    ~bangchik and kakdah.

  13. Kale looks good! I tried this method with Bayam!

  14. I've never figured out what to do with kale. At work we only use it for decoration.
    We're attempting to grow some lettuce in our cold frame, as the winter will be setting in soon.

  15. Cut and come gardening is such a good investment, it looks like you will be taking another harvest in no time!

  16. The new growth looks lovely, so happy and cute. Will you be transporting any pots to your new location?

  17. Malar~ yes bayam behaves well with cut and come again technique..

    Kim and Victoria ~ Good luck to your lettuce, a plant that has been shying away from me.

    Kelly ~ they are all gone now..

    Rebecca @ In The Garden ~ yes the whole lot! I have no intention of leaving any behind.

  18. I grew cut and come again lettuce this year and they certainly did keep coming! The leafy veg seem to like this kind of growth.

    I love kale.


  19. Bangchik, your kale seems so very productive! But you have not posted lately, i am waiting for it!

  20. kunjungan pertamaku untuk blog ini, sungguh artikel yang ada disini memiliki kualitas content yang bermanfat bagi saya, tak heran bila blog pertanian banyak pengunjungnya? salam sukses :)
