Friday, February 25, 2011

Blooming Friday: A Pinch of Green

It was red and bare when we came here, to start a new life in Tanah Merah home November last year. Green starts to get in slowly painting a picture of  what we were so used to , over in Putrajaya. I am joining Katarina of  Roses and stuff  on Blooming Friday to share a glimpse of that green;  a pinch of green

 The Malabar spinach is learning how to climb, 
and carrying along little greenish buds. 
They will get whiter soon.
(thanks to Wendy for the seeds giveaway)

 This particular baby plant is so beautiful, 
as it gets to the second set of leaves.
It will grow, climb and produce 
beautiful red flowers.
With a slightly different angle.

 This particular one crowns its own seed coat. 
A little greyish at the beginning, and soon it will become greener 
before the second set of leaves appear as in the second photo.

For three years,we are quite used to yellow flowers 
with accompanying white leaf look alike. 
The plant probably has excess chlorophyll that  
a pinch of green 
gets into the white false leaf....

Bangchik and Kakdah


  1. Hi Bangchik, the Malabar spinach photos are beautiful! I'm so curious to see a climbing spinach as it grows!

  2. And a beautiful 'Pinch of Green' you have there! Love the angles, textures, and green!

  3. All babies are cute. I heard of Malabar spinach which suits warm weather but I have never planted them before.

  4. Your plants are so artistic! haha, i mean you are so artistic to capture them in your photos! I love that one just barely emerging from the cotyledons. Even the cotyledons are very beautifully shaped. what is it?

  5. Quite jealous that you can grow Malabar Spinach. Here in Sydney it is only hot enough for a few months a year. Your photos are beautiful.

  6. Very intresting photos and a little pinch of green.

    Have a nice weekend

  7. An interesting selection of pictures. I had to google Malabar Spinach and was disappointed to see it needs high temperatures to grow well. I would have loved to try it.
    Havea lovely weekend.

  8. Lovely, beautiful pictures!!!
    Thank you:)

  9. That first picture of the Malabar Spinach shoot deserves a prize!

  10. Lovely photos!
    Have a nice weekend!

  11. Thanks everyone for the visits and encouraging comments.

    Growing Malabar Spinach for the first time..., I am as curious as those who never see one. The plant loves heat and sun. I guess if situated somewhere else with limited sun, the leaves should be greener. So many flower buds..., almost at every node as it twists and climbs. Beautiful plant to grow.

    Growing plants from seeds allow us to see the big picture.., from seeds, cotyledons breaking, roots, second set of leaves, the stem, the colors, growing habits... everything!

    Cheers.., have a great weekend.
    ~bangchik and kakdah

  12. I am so taken with those photos, they are so very green! Love them.

    We grow that spinach here, as a exotic unusual veggie, it's good.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  13. Love your babies!! How lovely to green the earth daily right in your garden.

  14. Teramat indah. Betul Bangchik. Tak terkata.

  15. Muddy Boot Dreams
    I do agree, Malabar Spinach being exotic. Shoots appear together with flower buds, that's the most unusual thing.. as if the plant is on the brink of extinction that it has to keep spurting buds, flowers and seeds!

    Keats The Sunshine Girl.
    I have to be careful with greening drive, otherwise I may offend the locals, taking my greening adventure as an attempt to rename TANAH MERAH as Tanah Hijau!

    Yeap, point taken and I do agree. But there is always beauty in the ugliest thing, provided we pause a while, probe and bring out it's very best. My camera did just that! Aha...

  16. The baby seedlings are so cut - and yet so full of life!

  17. Beautiful photos esp the malabar spinach. Makes me feel like trying at gardening :D

  18. Katarina
    Seedlings are always cute...., very unique to a particular family of plants.

    i amsterdam
    Malabar spinach is nice looking. Good angle, adequate light will get the best of it.

    ~bangchik and kakdah.
