Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Miracle berry is ripening

The fruit (miracle berry/ buah ajaib/ Synsepalum dulcificum)  is tucked among leaves, and that makes it difficult to see as we walk pass the plant. I have to squat down to get a better view for pictures. It is definitely ripening now, green turning to light red and now red. It should be anytime now.

The other day Kakdah had a conversation with  Madam Noor as they were touring the garden, looking at plants and orchids.  The fruits were very expensive many years ago, RM10 a fruit, she said. Then the price dropped a little , 3 berries for RM10. Now nobody seem to be buying or selling berries because everyone is eager to have their own plant and pluck their own berries. Stories went around  about medicinal properties for diabetics.

The two seedlings germinated from seeds are still growing. The healthy one, is coming to the third leaf, while the other one stays dormant. It stays as it was a month ago.  I suspect, it will not go the distance...
miracle berry, red and ripe

miracle berry, red and ripe

 the ripening miracle berry, a week earlier

the little flower.

the flower bud of miracle berry
other buds

Kakdah will soon take it. A bite of ripe miracle berry will  retain sweetness in the mouth for hours,
and it is sugar free. So it must be a good thing for diabetics
and those who wish to reduce sugar intake.

bangchik and kakdah
Tanah Merah, Kelantan


  1. Bangchik...your usual magnificent photos...the Miracle Berry fruit is quite beautiful!

  2. Wuaaahhh 1-3 fruits = RM10! That is a very good price to sell this berry! (And you think i'm so money minded all the time, LOL). So the first fruit goes to Kakdah, has she tasted it? I must go home and check mine whether there are any fruit hanging before the birds get it. My tree is still so short, duh.

  3. wow..
    for a small fruit, that is really expensive.
    Someone should farm them and sell it.

  4. ahh.. tempted to have 1 too.. :)

  5. Beautiful fruit! I can't wait for mine to flower, no signs of it yet! Hopefully soon.

  6. I've heard so much about this miracle fruit. How exciting that you have some ripe berries. Awesome!

  7. I should plan to grow this miracle berry.. can make a lot of money! :P

  8. Happy harvesting your miracle berry Bangchik, hope it bears lots of fruits!

  9. Oh what a lovely blog here! Your pictures are so nice and lot's of information too!! We don't have any Miracle Berry here...

  10. I hope Kakdah enjoys and relishes this Miracle berry. It looks delicious!

  11. Thanks everyone for your comments and wishes.

    The fruit is not terribly sweet, but the miracle part is the sweetness lingers in the mouth for hours. So strong that one can take the most sour plum, yet it tastes sweet.

    I suppose we have to be very particular about when to eat one, otherwise we cant enjoy other food the way it is supposed to taste.

    I am sure it helps diabetics a lot, since they can still enjoy the fun of sweetness, and yet sugar free.

    Get one, grow and get the taste of these berries!!!

    ~ bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah, Kelantan

    1. Hi Sir/Madam
      My parents are diabetics. Where can I get the fruits and seeds please?

  12. I wish I could taste this Berry fruit :)

  13. 1 and then 3 fruits for RM10! Wow! that's really expensive! You're having jewel in your garden!

  14. The berry is pretty also! When you are tired after digging, sowing and weeding at your garden, just grap one... such a precious fruit. The tree must say 'For the one who water and feed me only'... ;-)

  15. It is a good thing that people like to plant more trees nowadays especially one that have medicinal value. More oxygen for us.

  16. It is a good thing that people like to plant more trees nowadays especially one that have medicinal value. More oxygen for us.

  17. ~ Marie
    ~ Malar
    ~ Steph
    ~ MKG

    Yesterday evening, Mr Ibra came over with his family to look into irrigation system. He has seen himself a few weeks ago. I have a feeling that they are going to have a similar system for the garden.

    He had a peek at the ripening berry, and had a good laugh because their own 2 year old miracle berry plant had grown big but never bear a single berry. Kakdah took a packet of poultry pellets and mentioned, the fertiliser could be the recipe for flowering and fruiting. Kakdah jokingly said, today is free giveaway, next time is RM4.00....

    We never know, what plants see in us, gardeners or otherwise. A ripening berry could be a reward, for taking them out of the cramped nursery and offering a more spacious spot in Kakdah's Garden.

    It used to be very expensive, now, I dont think it can fetch even a ringgit. And of course, with many growing these miracle berry plants, the world will be a shade greener with extra oxygen to inhale....

    ~ bangchik and kakdah

  18. If stay near you now (if you are still at Putrajaya), I would have gone to check out your irrigation system as well!

  19. Stephanie
    Tanah Merah isn't too far, an hour flight and another hour on the road. You are most welcome here. Roselle juice is our standard welcoming drink.., such hospitality. aha..

  20. Wow they look lovely. I live in KL, would you know where I would be able to buy this plant please oh please :) ? I've checked a few nurseries here and they don't have it :(
    I used the name pokok ajaib, miracle berry, and synsepalum dulcificum.


    1. Anon Stephanie.
      Try Sungai Buloh, probably one or two nurseries there keep pokok ajaib. Or you may want to venture out a little towards smaller towns, like Bangi.

    2. hi Stephanie, kindly contact me for this plant. 019 2143034

    3. kak nohazlina, saya telah contact puan untuk beli itu pokok

  21. Hey, I am interesting about the plant, how can I get the seed for me to plant ?
    From Chung in Jb

    1. call me 019 2143034. Im a supplier for this miracle berry.

  22. kat mana saya boleh dapatkan buah berry ni di kelantan... anyone???

    1. en mohd faliq, boleh call saya untuk dapatkan anak pokok ini. 019 2143034

  23. kat mana saya boleh dapatkan buah berry ni di Johor?

    1. Singgah saja mana2 nursery pokok dan tanya pokok ajaib atau pokok miracle berry....

  24. About how many berries does each plant produce in a year.

  25. Hello there, you have a lovely website. Can i please know how can i purchase these berries in KL? i'm on the hunt to look for berry alternatives to blueberries and strawberries :) thanks a lot.

  26. Hi, may i know where can i purchase the berry? I need them for my studies research purpose. Thanks!

  27. Dint see them in market. Perhaps plant your own and have them fresh all the time from your own garden.
    The ripened fruit deteriorates very fast after plucking. Keep by freezing only unless very fadt. Maybe that's why it is not seen in the market.

    High spoilage makes it economic popular.
    Can get seedlings from nurseries.
