Monday, February 21, 2011

A Delightful Moment for Kakdah.

The little girl was born on the 13th of February 2011 8.00am, the third child for Farah and Ramli. We made a trip to Jitra Kedah the next day. Farah was fine and the little one too. Now Kakdah is the grandmother for three grandchildren. So is Bangchik.

Kakdah, Adlina, Adli and the little girl.
I probably clicked a second too early, before everyone opened up a smile, showed their teeth and said cheese.  Adlina (the eldest) is very conscious with her gaping teeth, that she would never open up for the camera.

a big yawn.

a little smile,
responding to the kiss from grandmother

what's she thinking?

bangchik and kakdah
Tanah Merah, Kelantan


  1. Oh my, so darling and sweet. Congrats to you all.

  2. awww... so cute... I can't wait to have my little baby deliver soon...

    Congrats to both of you, another grandchild.. ^_^

  3. Congratulations on the new sprout ; ) She's a cutie!

  4. Congratulations!!! All the best to your family!!!

  5. Bangchik and Kakdah, how beautiful and precious...a little flower for your family garden!

  6. Tahniah Bangchik dan Kakdah :D

    The little girl is so cute.. and so alert considering she is only a few days old!!!

  7. Congratulations to you, Kakdah and your family! Your granddaughter is very cute!

  8. Masyallah.Tahniah buat kakdah dan bangcik.Cm pun tak sabar untuk timang cucu ni:)

  9. Oh, Kakdah is beautiful, such nice features too. And the children and babies took after the grandma too.


  10. She has big eyes and deep double eyelids, a beautiful lady to be. Congratulations!
    Eh, i thought the first pic shown is the mother? Kakdah looks so young and pretty!!

  11. Congratulations for having that healthy beautiful girl, who maybe named Adlinette. hehe.

  12. What a beautiful new baby. Congratulations. :)

  13. 13th of july is also my sister's birthday..o, nampaknya, adik saya sudah ada kembarnya..hehe..congrats for the newborn grandchild!!:)..i agree w others..kakdah looks young!! :)hehe (ingtakan mak bb)..

  14. Alhamdulillah. Tahniah Bangchik & Kakdah. Sampai ke Jitra no;) Saya sekolah kat Jitra laa dulu.

    The baby has "tahi ayam di kaki";) Bangchik know of the meaning or is it only for Kedah people?

  15. Congratulations!! your new grand daughter is gorgeous!

  16. Congratulation!
    The baby looks so cute!

  17. So happy for you both! Congratulations!! She's beautiful!

  18. Thanks everyone

    .... to CathyJ, happy delivery and stay healthy..... to Andrea I heard her name would most probably be Alia.... to cikmanggis, selamat timang cucu.... to Tabib, I got Datukship 4 years ago, Tan Sri 2 years ago and now Tun... to Aishah, even though I am Wan Mat Saman fourth generation, my kedah accent is a little bit diluted. Tak rajin dengar tahi ayam dikaki, cakar ayam saya tau!.....,

    To those who commented about Kakdah youthful look..., she had a good laugh, said thank you, and reminded me to tell the truth. Yeap, Kakdah is going 50 by May and Bangchik 4 years older. Fresh chlorophyll from the garden must be the magic potion that maintains her youthful look... aha!

    I hope the little Alia will be in the best of health and so is her mother Farah. Thank you for your wishes....

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah, Kelantan.

  19. Congratulations on your sweet little flower.

  20. The beautiful new baby girl is thinking how lucky she is to be loved by so many people. Gorgeous children, all three of them. A pretty grandmother, too.

    Wishing all of you the very best.


  21. ~Doc
    Thanks for the wishes to both of you. The younger generation will take over what's there to be saved.., the earth and humanity. We will soon take the back seat.

    Cheers ~ bangchik and kakdah.

  22. Congratulations Bangchik n Kak Dah for being Grandpa n Grandma again! Soon I will be first one!

  23. p3chandan
    Thanks.. and early congratulations to you too.

  24. congratulations bangchik&kakdah! they are so sweet! and agree with the others, kakdah looks young!

  25. Thanks Ayu Mahayu, with all compliments coming, Kakdah looks even younger than in the picture!!...

  26. Millions of congrats! Bangchik must be a proud grandpa of 3 adorable grandkids now.. the new addition, she's a darling! And Kak Dah is so lovely and young, I thought she's the mother.. Bangchik, you hv every reasons to be proud..

  27. Thanks ROUGH.ROSA. As always little children is a darling. The best smile comes from the little ones, when they have not learn the trick of hiding and concealing..... On youthful remark, Kakdah said Thanks, and she wants to look even younger!!
