Friday, July 8, 2011

rooftop vegetable gardening: heavy with green chili

It is getting close to the harvesting day, 23rd of July 2011.  Three rooftop gardening signboards were fixed up at the parapets, large enough for people to see and a definite vintage point for group photos. A few plants suffered from fungal and pests attack. So far they react positively to treatment. The most effective preventive measure so far is organic immunize solution sprayed regularly, giving them strength against diseases. There  are many kelulut bees coming around the flowers, most effective agents for pollination, according to MARDI. I wonder where these kelulut bees come from.

a signboard at the rooftop.

rows of chili

rows of chili
rows of chili


They were the lucky ones to have group photo taken, with rooftop gardening signboard as background. They came to discuss about the coming 23th July event. Most will participate in the three day exhibition, including agriculture department, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Agrobank, Farmers Associations, Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (FAMA) and local institutions. Even the police will join in to show success stories behind their zero crime efforts.
The whole three day affair is for the community, to share and learn.

Visitors to rooftop garden - 4th July 2011

6TH JULY 2011

Lots of chili

As chili plants let out more fruits, leaves tend to get smaller. There are so many fruits jutting out, protruding out of the foliage, wanting to show off their existence. Some will turn red by the 19th of July, and there should be enough red chili for the harvesting ceremony on 23rd. The expert says, a plant can produce a kilogram of chili a month and multiply that with 800 plants, the final figure is going to be quite handsome.

Earlier posts on rooftop gardening.

bangchik and kakdah.


  1. wow...this is amazing..very nice:)

    hello dearie..if you have time please visit my new site

    thanks:) see you around!

  2. Wow Bangchik - It's been a while since I've visited you and I see that I've missed a LOT! Very very exciting and impressive. Wish I lived closer so that I could attend on July 23. Have a great event - enjoy those chilis!

  3. Greta event around the corner!
    I can see so many chilies! Well done to the team!

  4. wow..
    rows & rows of chillies.
    so amazing!

  5. Wow, your Chili's grew super fast!!

  6. Very tidy row by row.. and big chillies!

  7. You are really amazing... I am so impressed with the neatness of it all...

  8. Janmah~ thanks, yes I have visited your blog.

    JGH ~ It' alright, you can't come on 23rd. But with internet, we can be in many parts of the world in a matter of seconds.

    Malar ~ thanks..., a nearby restaurant ordered 10 kilo a week.., many more will join in.., I think the hype behind "rooftop gardening" will stay within the local community for months... definitely an effective marketing effort!

    James Missier
    I agree with you..., almost like an estate!!

  9. Wow! I'm amazed! Really impressive!
    Will wait for your update on this!
    Thank you for sharing!

  10. Victoria ~ Yeap, within two months of transplanting, ready for first harvest.

    milka ~ all measured, equal distance.

    Lrong ~ rooftop is quite neutral, no cats, no pets, no children running about. So if done neatly, it will stay neat to the end..

    kitchen flavours ~ stay tune....., there will be updates. and to those staying in Kelantan listen to the radio, 12 july 9.30 am..... half an hour on rooftop gardening!
