Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stevia on bigger scale.

It's rather an on_and_off kind of adventure with propagating stevia, the god blessed natural sweetener.  So we decided to push for bigger scale, 300 seedlings.  They are now at various stages of growth. I am almost ready for real stevia production.

stevia seedlings a month old

Stevia seedlings a month old

Stevia seedlings about a month old

Stevia seedlings about a month old
Stevia seedlings a month old

Stevia seedlings a month old
Stevia seedlings, just a few days old

Stevia seedlings, just a few days old.

Stevia shoot just about right for propagation

Stevia shoot just about right for propagation

Stevia in polybags

_______bangchik and kakdah_______
pasir gudang


  1. Oh this will be interesting to follow as your climate is similar to mine. I had a stevia bush but it didn't survive the hot and humid summer.

    1. I wish to really understand about propagation of stevia, and go further onto natural sweetener extraction.

  2. Congratulations on your award Bangchik, I just noticed it. How did you get that award, very prestigious I would say.
    I'm in awe with your effort on this Stevia.
    Wishing you all the best and success :)

    1. Ash: I am not too sure which award you are referring to.. hmm

  3. It is nice to have a huge garden. To be able to grow the things you like, any time you want. How big is your back and front garden if I may ask?

    And congrats for your various awards!! Noticed it after reading from Ash. Well done!

    1. back space was big.., nearly an acre. the front part is small, like normal house.
