Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pokok Ajaib, fresh flower and eventual pollination.

The two miracle berry plants had shown familiarization with the new environment at Seri Kembangan, some 340km north from Pasir Gudang, with new and fresh shoots. Now they are showing little white flowers.  I hope a few will end up as fruits......

Fresh flowers come in as almost white and will turn brownish / blackish over a week or two, and in between some would be pollinated and turn into fruits.  Through naked eyes, the flowers seem rounded and don't open up like ordinary flowers. Some gardeners suggest light shaking of branches or brushing  flowers lightly to ensure successful pollinations. So far I leave it to nature to handle, but on the second thought light shaking of branches is too simple to ignore....... haha.   But I am guessing that we should expect the worst with the current prolonged hot spell - 2 weeks without rain. I wonder if miracle berry can do wonders and spring out some magic and bear fruits.......

Our Pokok Ajaib / miracle berry : little white flowers
Brushing technique: ref  how to make miracle fruit produce

further reading.

1. Synsepalum dulcificum Close up and personal 

________bangchik and kakdah________
seri kembangan


  1. Oh pokok bunga nie susah nak keluarkan bunganya yer..tapi mesti ade jugak kan time yg akan finally terjadi secara natural..kena tunggu lah jawabnyer yer..

    1. Selalunya saya ambik hirau hal pendebungaan, bunga menjadi ke tidak. Sekali sekala pergi selak daun2 cari kalau ada buah.... Ni dah tahu cara setengah gardener uruskan pendebungan, eluk juga cuba...... mana tahu, entah-entah berlambak-lambah buahnya.

  2. When it blooms its double miracle, hope it will be rain soon to at least chill a bit for all creatures.

    1. Most plants need sunlight to initiate flowering ..., so in way current prolonged hot spell could have given a kick start to miracle berry flowering. Just hope too much of sunlight and scorching heat won't fry the tiny flowers.....

  3. I used to have one of these. I can't remember what happened to it!

    All I remember was that it was easy to germinate. And that it likes acid soil.

  4. Prospero, i tried germinating once... only two made it, and now in somebody else garden. I only keep two parent miracle berry plant.
